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Show NEWS NOTES FROM LARK Miss Emma Sandstrom, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sandstrom, of Eureka, formerly for-merly of Lark, became the bride of Henry Carter of Provo at Salt Lake City on Wednesday of last week. The young couple arrived ; VI i ; ' - ' " I ' in camp on Sunday, after a brief vacation in the valley, and will make their home in the Sandstrom Sand-strom residence. Mrs. Carter is well and. favorably known in camp and for some time made her home at the Lark Hotel. Miss Vera Nordberg was the pleasing guest of Mrs. John Prowse of Butterfield on Sunday last. ..... .,. : Mr. and Mrs. -. W. Moore, who have been residents of Lark for a number of years, left camp by auto the past week and will make their future home at Seat- f tie, Wash. Mrs. Moore held the position as -postmistress of Lark -for a period of five years. - Marko Vrones, the 4-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Vrones, died at the family home on Wednesday morning. Interment Inter-ment was made in the Bingham Cemetery on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and Mrs. Joe Gerrans of Bingham were the guests of Mrs. Dell Nell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christensen and family of Rock Springs, Wyo., former residents of Lark, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Miller of Herriman visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Nell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson of Bluffdale have moved to Lark and will make their future home ' here. The Misses Vera Nordberg and Louetta Hatt will spend the winter at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Magee motored to Midvale on Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Dorus Thoma3 motored to Salt Lake on Friday. A card party was given at the club rooms on Wednesday evening. even-ing. A large number attended. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Dave Magee and Mrs. W, Crittenden. Mr. and Mrs. T. McLaughlin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson on Tuesday. Miss Lavon Magee, who is a student of the L. D. S. University, Univer-sity, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Magee, during dur-ing the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tripp were the guests of Mrs. Ernest Silcox at West Jordan on Tuesday. Tues-day. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nell and son, Kenneth, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Bert Battison of Riverton on Friday. Mrs. Leo Slater ol McGill, Nev., who is visiting with relatives rela-tives here, went to Salt Lake to meet her husband this week. |