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Show " ' - - ' :. '..I.:. . THE-BINGHA- NEWS ' ; l Health V Officers Submit Analysis of Bingham . ' Milk Supplies . loampie of milk taken September 11, 1923, in bottles and S on ice, show the following analysis as made by Homer X.f"!-couft-ty basteriologist: VNVV;.': Taken ' ' ' , VA V " Bacteria Per per Cent ;;: f ' Count Spec. Cent Total ; Pr cc. Grav. KaU Solldg 1 tvH If' 10:30am Bulk Mr. Ilogan 20.000 1.0373 3.3 13.4 2 Binm 11:45am Bulk Mr, Kerekasis 15,000 1.038 4.3 14.8 3, Bingham 12:00m Bulk Mr. Kerekasis 185,000 1.038 4.8 15.4 ' 4 fteXeS 11:30am B!k S. Kuvels ' 105,000 1.032 4.8 13.9 5 Sh,fNook 11 :15am Bulk A. Wheadon 30,000 1.0373 4.0 14.2 Efiglish 12:30pm Bulk Mr. English ,70,000 1.038 4.1 14.5 ' ' ' The above samples were submitted ' for analysis by J. L. Weiler and Frank C. Cooley, health inspectors. COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH. VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER $1.25 size S cake enough for all farm and s, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. - NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNA- P. ; It's a sure rodent killer. Try a Pkg. and prove it. Rats killed with RAT-SNA- P leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it Guaranteed. 35c size I cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.25 size 5 cakes enough for When in Salt Lake Estop at The Alton Hotel . Modern CleanQuiet Rates: $1.00 day and up . Sam tyte, 138 South State Manager all farm and storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. What Mrs. Brenninger, of New York, Says About Rat Poison. "Tried preparations that kill rats, but RAT-SNA- P is the only one that prevents disagreeable odors after kill-ing. Also like RAT-SNA- P because it comes in handy cakes, no mixing with other food. You don't have to dirty your hands; it's the best for house-hold use." Try RAT-SNA-P. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guar-anteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. Beware! of AGENTS soliciting for Photo Studios obtaining bus-iness by misrepresentation saying the AMUNDSEN STUDIO is out of business, they are selling an inferior article, and are not legiti-mate. We have been in busi-ne-ss here since 1911 and we have the best equipped Photo Studio in the State. AMUNDSEN PHOTO STUDIO 343 Main St.. Salt Lake City Phone Was 950 (Opposite Post Office) BINGHAM STAGE LINE Schedule Now Effective Cars leave Bingham 8, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p. m. Cars leave Salt Lake City 7, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, S, 5, 7, 9 and 11 p. m. Local Office The Diamond Main Street Phone 41 FARES Round Trip $2.50 One Way .. $1.50 Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd. So. St. Phone Was. 1069 TELL YOUR FRIENDS NOW IS THE TIME TO SUB-SCRIBE, SO THEY MAY HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO READ A REAL WEST-ER- N STORY, "THE BRAND-ING IRON." t I Royal Candy Co. 1 TWO STORES. ' J: . Home-Mad- e Candies, t I Chili and Tamalet , Light Lunches I BINGHAM, UTAH J J, FOR BETTER WATER RATS DIE so do mice, once they eat RAT-SNA-And they leave no odor behind. Don't take our word for it try a package.. Cats and dogs won't touch it Rats pass up all food to get RAT-SNA- P. Three sizes. 35c size 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. 0. PEZZOPANE Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries Foreign Money Orders and Drafts Banco of Naples Correspondent Steamship Agent Notary Public 541 MAIN STREET BINGHAM Electric Servants f I Lighten the housewife's work ... X 4 Whether she. lives in the citv or the country, the woman r!!lH S GRAND I MILLINERY OPENING Tuesday, Sept 25 1 All ladies are cordially invited to call and see our BEAUTIFUL FALL HATS j I Mrs. Parsons j I 463 Main Street llllHllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIHIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I lilllllllllllHIilllHIIfi of today has at her command the marvelous force of J. electricity to do the hard and tiring work of the home. j . t An Electric Washing Machine I gives you the abundance of fresh, sweet, clean cloth- - $ ing and linen that is your delight and at the end of a perfect washday, you are not tired, and your hands have not been injured by much rubbing in the hot $ t suds. X ' X X An Electric Ironer X tI - does four hours ironing in one think of the saving t of time and energy ! II An Electric Vacuum Cleaner t X gets all the dirt without scattering any in the air. It really cleans and it is so easy to operate that a child X X can use it. X f There are many other electric appliances that J add to the convenience and comfort of the home electric heaters, table cooking devices X lamps, etc. Come in and make your selection X to fill your needs. i ! UlMlIIPOWEE&LlGIHIlCrj!. X efficient Mlc Service $ favor of the issue of waterworks bonds he shall place an "X" in the space after the word "Yes." If he desires to vote against the issue of waterworks hnnds. he shall place an "X" in the space after the word "No.' . On the reverse side of said ballot shall be the following; "Official bjllot for Town of Ringham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, special bond elec-tion, October 9th, 1923. (Fac-simi- le Signature) Notice of Special Bond Election Town of Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. WHEREAS, there is immedi-ate and pressing need of raising funds for the purpose of defray-ing the expense 6f increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present waterworks system of said Town of Bingham Canyon and securing an additional water supply for the purpose of supply-ing and distributing water to the inhabitants thereof, the same to be owned and controlled by said municipality. NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 9th day of October, A. D. 1923, a special election will be held within .the limits of the Town of Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, for the pur-pose of submitting to the quali-fied electors of said Town, a! shall have paid ' a property ta therein in the year next preced ing such election, the following proposition, to-wi- t: Town Clerk, Town of Bingham Canyon, Utah." At said election the polls shall be opened at the hour of seven o'clock a. m., and closed at the hour of seven o'clock p. m. The polling place for all quali-fied electors for the Town of Bingham Canyon shall be at the Town Hall in said Town, and the Judges of Election are : ' THOMAS TIBBLE, SAM JOFS, F. II. BEMIS. Dated at Bingham Canyon, Utah, this 5th day of September, A. D. 1923. By order of : THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF BING-- : HAM CANYON, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH. ... By DR. F. E. STRAUP, Attest : President F. W. QUINN, Town Clerk. (SEAL) "Shall the negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah, in the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) be issued and sold for the pur-pose of defraying the expense of increasing, improving, en-larging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present wa-terworks system of said Town and securing an additional wa-ter supply for the purpose bf supplying and distributing wa-ter to the inhabitants thereof, the same to be owned and controlled by said municipal-ity?" At said election the formof ballot shall be substantially as follows: "BOND ELECTION BALLOT Yes 5 I For issue of water-works bonds : No ) I If the voter desires to vote in Courtesy's Test The true test of courtesy ts to be courteous to those who can't make It hot for you when you're not Winni-peg Free Press. Faculty of the Bingham Schools L. W. Nielsen Principal K. C. Tanner .... Economics and Auto Mechanics .v T. II. McMullin Athletics James West Music ' J. B. Birch... Mathematics Edna Wade ...English Jean D. Cole History and Language Effie Barrows ..Home Economics Nadeline Waldis Commerce Vonita Roberts Expression Caroline Rasmussen ....8th Grade Margaret Haywood ....8th Grade Virginia Eberly 7th Grade Burton Rust 7th Grade Marv Tnnpe fith Grade -- J J Bessie Hamill 5th Grade June Christopherson ..5th Grade Lilas McColeman 4th Grade Maud Welsh 4th Grade Catherine Blackburn ..3rd Grade Nora Carey 3rd Grade Eleda Garrett 2nd Grade Delma Martinson 2nd Grade Hattie Paxman 1st Grade Gladys Greene 1st Grade Florence Jensen 1st Grade Notice to Water Users State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City. Utah, August 25th, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Henry N. Standish, whose post-offi- ce address is Bingham Can-- , yon, Utah, has made application in accordance with the require-ments of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to appropriate two-tent- (.2) of a sec. ft. of water from Bingham Creek in Saft Lake County, Utah. Said water will be diverted at a point S. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 1617 ft. from the E corner of! Sec. 27, Township 3 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Base and Me-ridian, and conveyed by means of a flume a distance of 235 ft and there used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, inclusive, of each year for the purpose of precipitating the copper contained in the wa-ter. After having been so used the water will be returned to the natural channel at a point N. 82 deg. 18 min. E. 1753 ft. from the said EJ corner of Sec. 27,' Township 3 South, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian. This application is designated in the State Engineer's office as File No. 9279. All protests against the grant-ing of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the com-pletion of the publication of this notice. R. E. CALDWELL, State Engineer. Date of first publication, Sept. 1, 1923. Date of completion of publication, Sept. 29, 1923. Will It Improve Htr HsalthT "According to an eminent doctor, said father, looking up from his paper, 'society girls should spend the sum-mer In factories, as It would give them a complete change for their health, which they greatiy need." "AH right, papa," spoke up bta daughter, "I'm ready now go and get m a Job In a canity factory." ' Success Implies Sense. Successful men as a rue are not su-perstitious. The mai- - who has got to the top of the ladder Isn't afra.3 to walk under one. Notice to Water Users State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 23, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Steve Amicone, whose postoffice address is Bingham Canyon, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to appropriate one hundredth (.01) of a sec. ft. of water Trom an unnamed spring ; in . Salt Lake County. Said : spring issues at a point N. 11 ; deg. 11 min. E. 2306.51 ft. from U. S. Mineral Monument No. 2, : West Mountain Mining District. : The water will be diverted at the : spring and conveyed in a pipe : line a distance of 200 ft., and : there used the entire year for : stock watering and domestic I purposes. This application is : designated in the State Engi-- i neer's office as File No. 9323. All protests against the grant-- 5 ing ot said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be z made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the com- - pletion of this notice. 5 R. E. CALDWELL, State Engineer. Date of first publication, Sept. 1, 5 1923; date of completion oi j publication, Sept. 29, 1923. |