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Show IMPERIAL MINING CO'S GOOD START The Jmperial Mines Operat- ing Company has been formed and has taken over the option of J. J. Broecher. The property has been practically idle since the early 80's, due to litigation. At that time ore running as high as 40 per cent copper was shipped from the property, but nothing lower than 15 per cent, and as a result a large tonnage of 5 to 15 per cent ore is in sight, which under present on-. ditions will net appreciable re- turns. The condition of the mine is such that immediate shipments will be made. A large tonnage of shipping ship-ping ore is now on the dump and it is planned to ship this at once. Machinery and other equipment is now on the ground, and within a few days development will be hastened by the aid of machine drills. Chutes and haulage tunnels will be pushed to facilitate extraction of ore already al-ready in sight. Satisfactory smelter arrangements have been made, but shipments will not be started until October 1st, owing ow-ing to embargo on ores destined to smelters located in the Salt Lake valley. In the meantime arrangements arrange-ments are being made for a loading spur which will shorten the team haul one-half. The management confidently expect ex-pect the property to pay from the beginning and as a result are offering offer-ing only a limited amount of the capital stock at 2 cents per share, one-half of which allotment has already al-ready been disposed of. It is the purpose of the management manage-ment to take up the present bond before its expiration without further fur-ther financing and to install a reduction re-duction plant for the treatment of low grade sulphide ores which tests have shown are particularly amenable amen-able to the notation process. The officers and directors are: H. H. Adams, mining engineer, president; J. J. Broecher, mining engineer, vice-president; E. E. Meyer, mining engineer, superintendent; superin-tendent; S. II. Fotheringham, director; direct-or; E. H. Street, secretary and treasurer. treas-urer. Messrs. Adams, Broecher and Meyer are practical mining engineers and are well known in Utah mining districts. They are confident of the soundness and success of the Imperial Imper-ial Company. Of the 200,000 shares of stock offered at 2 cents per share in order to quickly procure ready money for equipment and shipping facilities, 110,000 shares have been sold. Many business men of Mil-ford Mil-ford are taking stock in the new company and the price of the stock will advance as soon as the present allotment is subscribed. The Imperial property is a large . holding adjoining the Horn Silver and King David on the north, the Horn Silver lode passing across the . property in a northwesterly direction according to Government maps anil mining reports. |