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Show MATHESON ' THE TAILOR Maker of Up-to-date Clothes MILFORD - - UTAH Tombstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH Phone 13 Notary Public SAM CLINE Attorn ey-at-L aw foumkhly of camkoiinia MILFORD - - UTAH I O (). K. Milford Lucius No. 42, I. ) O. F. meets every Monday evening in I. O. O. K Hall. All visiting brothers are cordially inviled A. It. Lewis. Noble tliami . - ' Arthur Wood, becretary J. A. INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer County Surveyor City Engineer MILFORD UTAH PHONE NO. fi7 CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land Cash or Terms Some Specials it: School Lands MILFORD, UTAH E, B. JORGENSEN Funeral Director Licensed Embalroer Phone 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Niyht 1 BILLand BILL 1 Folger's I 1 Coffee 1 I THE BEST EVER I I Only 30c I Fresh Vegetables, Choke Heats, 1 I Staple Groceries I PHONE 86 CGet on good terms with your lumberman. CWhen you have a builcling problem to work outcome in and let us help you. If we can't do it ourselves, our-selves, we will have it done for you. .This institution is a pub-lie pub-lie servant. If it can do you an extra service it stands ready. We believe by helping others we help ourselves. B a NN EVI LLE LUMBER CO Milford---Lund Modena i We are ready to do plowing, clearing and seeding at very 1 reasonable rates. We are also agents for the ! Waterloo Boy Tractor f which is sold on a small pay- J ment down and balance in J monthly payments which are 4 at the reach of every poor man's pocket book. j I Addiess- J I 4TIER RANCH, t I MILFORD, UTAH or t J. H. FORTIER 1237 KING STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. j I ' - I t l Groceries, Seed Oats, J I Russet Burbank and Pearl I White Seed Potatoes f I 1 I Canvas tor Irrigation Purposes - i ! General Merchandise 4 I PHONE 20 j LIVE LOCALS FROM LIVE PEOPLE Four-room Furnished House for Rent Apply NEWS Office Adv. ! A new line of High Grade Hair : Brushes, jusc in. Right prices. ! Milford Pharmacy. Adv. I All size Becond hand pipe for Sale. I A. G. Burnlu'tn, Milford, Utah. Adv. , FOR SALE 5 room house on corner lot good location cheap easy terms Enquire NEWS Ollice. ! Mail Orders have our prompt; attention. atten-tion. The only prescription pharmacy in Milford. Miltord Pharmacy. Adv. FOR 3ALE:-40 or SO acres first class land cheap. Address Box 98, Milford, Mil-ford, TJl ah. Adv. The Milford Lumber Company carries all materials necessary for Home, Sweet Home plans. Prompt courteous, efficient service. Adv. Rexall Corn Solvent for those Corns, 25c Mil ford Pharmacy . Adv. If you want the best in Painting, Calcomining aud Decorating, go to R. G. Sieu ei-t. Adv. FOR SALE Vacant corner lot good location easy terms Enquire NKWS Office Adv. Harmony Skin Cream, the cream d luxe 75c. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. FOR SALE 5 room house, with two clothes closets aud pantry; easy terms. Enquire NEWS Ollice. Adv. Sunshine Rubber Gloves for houst-hold houst-hold work, 50c. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. FOR Sale 1910 Chalmers Roadster at Bargain. Enquire Utah Traus-po Traus-po tation Company. Adv. Home, Sweet Home 250 house plans, blue prints, together with specification! spec-ification! and itemized bill of lumber, free ot charge. Milford Lumber Company Com-pany Adv. Rexall Liver Salts, the best laxative for warm weather. Milford Pharmacy. Phar-macy. Adv. We carry the best line of Men's, Ladies', and Childrens' shoes iu all st les. G. A. Malouf. Adv. Bofure ordering your Wall Papei eisewhere, see R. G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Salt Lake or any mail order house. Make your own selections. selec-tions. Adv. INSURE THAT AUTO-If it isn't worth it, you oughtn't to own it. Do it now. Sea Cameron Arring-ton Arring-ton right away. You'll find him in Milford. To Teachers Without Certification Examinations will be held June IsS 2nd, 3rd; August 14th, 15th, 16th, at the Belknap School, Beaver, Utah. E. H. WHITE, County Supt. of Schools. Decoration Day Excursion on the Salt Lake Route. Excursion tickets will be sold from all Salt Lake Route Stations in Utah May 29 and 30. Alsi to poinii reached by the Utah Transportation Trans-portation Co. via Milford. TickeU will be good for return passage until May 31st. Glycerine and Bark Prevent Appendicitis The simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, astonishes Milford people, lie-cause lie-cause Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH lowei and tipper bowel. ONE SPOONFU1 relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, consti-pation, sour stomach or gas. Ic removes re-moves such surprising foul mattei that a few doses often relieve or prevent pre-vent appendicitis. A shirt treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Tlx INSTANT, easy aeiion of Adle-i-ka h astonishing. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. Telephone Standards Forty years ago Alexander Graham Bell succeeded in transmitting the sound of the human voice over a wire ; and while men scoffed at the invention and laughed the inventor to scorn Bell's imagination even then pictured the tele-phone tele-phone in universal use. His was the master mind, that penetrated the future and visualized an ideal One System, One Policy, Universal Service. Since then, time has developed certain standards standards of plant construction, construc-tion, standards of equipment, standards of service efficiency. Standards of our duty to the public have existed from the beginning of time ; for they are founded on principles of equal justice and fair dealing. This means that our service must be as nearly perfect as human skill and ingenuity can make it, and that our rates must be fair, equitable, and as low as a fair return upon investment will permit. It means courteous consideration of the public's needs, and solving the problems prob-lems growing out of such needs in the light of the best engineering and other expert skill which the art of telephony has developed. Such a policy commends itself to public favor, public respect and public confidence, con-fidence, without which no public utility can long exist. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. m How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward Re-ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers lor the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling ex-pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing- the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. 2gs5S5 i t . -iSr' jr-" ill I ' -' " I I J Mil- n'V fit ' i 'jfH fi;!ir . -v. - l?!p!i-' p J ! Careful Dressers Select jQaaiewpsJricMi SOCKS For their extraordinary quality that permits us to give an absolute guarantee guar-antee aa to every pair, for the unusual features of comfort and snus r ankle fit and for the wide range of shades and colors """" that make it possible to observe good taste in dress- .) ; & ing and to harmonize the socks with the colors , ,':f..--f of other articles of apparel. r:--;1- Sizes 9's to 12 all leading colors four ' --"'-S' grades every box guaranteed. j;v .:-'-; ' ' Any Quality $1.00 a Box. y s I A A. F. RjcCULLEY MILFORD, UTAH LOCATION NOTICES AT NEWS OFFICE i MILFORD - UTAH SPECIALS FOR jj Saturday and Monday Only 10K lbs. Sugar .... $1.00 I 135c Grade of Coffee - - - 2VAc 1 35c Carnation Wheat Flakes - - 30c I Shredded Wheat Biscuits - 2 for 25c I Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes - 3 for 25c 5c Laundry Soap - - 6 bars for 25c Vi lb. Tree Tea 22Kc 20c Cleaned Currants - - - 15c Large can Tomatoes - - per can 10c 10c Oysters - - 3 cans for 25c I Large can Cleanser ... 5c MEN'S FURNISHINGS 25c Leather faced Gauntlet Gloves - 20c 15c Hose ... 3 pairs for 25c 20c Hose - - - 2 " " 25c 65c Work Shirts .... 45c MEN'S HATS Our Men's Hat Department is the most complete in Milford No matter what style Hat you wear, we are able to fill your wants. a Men's Stetson Hats at this Sale your choice $3.75 We carry the most complete line of E Men's Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers I Call and look them over aud compare our prices with others. Don't Forget the Time and the Place THE GOLDEN RULE STORE j Phone 10 |