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Show Shipped Anywhere in the United States on 30 Days' Free Trial Easy Payments 'SlMo Money Down Jli Our Big Free Trial Offer gfe " q3Ea We require no payment in advance 4jgj - q j ' fthC Jr&r on a Starck-piano. You are not asked to Tx"1.?5'- I JjKC I 7 ff do up your money in any wny. All you do is to let 1 S 9L ff us aliip you the pian fr 3 aya free tral n your 3 tfH 1 H 1 . ' home whore you test it and try it in your own way. VA t i?!'JrT"izr ilQ1fctir en( " days you decide whether the piano is juHt the one V-W? ' J- f- SJ",,. 1 I Mfejcjlia you want. If it is, you keep it, paying our low factory-to-home priceB Si5?liw.?? I 111 in - to -' you. If for any reason it does not prove to be I g. j . llrSBfef-yrjlSi up to your expectations in every way and the Bnest piano you have 1 ' '85tfSSi.g,3SSj'l ever seen for the money, you may send it back nd la that event we fc!li: T" --' wiU pay the freight both way. JSEP' Wlli The Sweet Tonea Star. k SJJff. li t ll-SJ.fO Sll The 6rst requirement in a good piano is tone quality. Starck pianos J &v S-'" k lit SiSSiS 1 j!3 are not only beautiful pianos but more than this they aro cieatifica!ly 4.? "J- H J 5 FTir5Bi i iSTT?!!"" I Wi constructed bo that each separate part of the piano performs Its own work in jyAfE-.--: I & iryS piodurin a tono of mnrvelo-s sweetness, purity and power. You will be de- a6 vi aJfcjr iS-' 1 Ishted with the matchless tone quality of the Stark. A T-Ll'&Z' As rflf The Celebrated Starck Playor-Piano ( if I V Lovers of music who are not muslclnns can renderthestarrkPlayer-plano any ITT S a S'jfc:t. ffivorito srlcrttnn wiUi iuat as conl op-osion aa the composer hiniseif. - L?-j-aSsga VvrT--"'.- lii'iDslmpi - to und'jrstanri. oa-sy to oprnuc, and tlurahic In construction crsc-.'i: ?f7'JT' V jrj ' '.'k the fltirk Plaver-p!ano meet- the demand for a reliable, high grado v.V;'!-''- f:; ,'..?. a i .-J VpsS Easy Payments - ""I Tf-ft " M 111 X F - piano dnvfi nrt founT 11 sal lera"tory. TTien ynti can pay each JS -iia,.7.d.-x1J . -'j WWiA.WLJ --JWrilj; i i Ultmoatb ou amounis so Bmall you will not mlra tbe money. JJ.jpiQgjH-rar-iiriMg M jfJ Every Starck Piano Guaranteed 25 Years j TPH' S"4 "t-'H' Ourh,gnewbcau,ltuU U !npnnrl TTflnd r,,, CfVi J g i. tustratcd cat log cont ins fceCOnanana ,.,,1 - -t3 Dlanolnlormatcnota kind Bargains 1 - f- r t UhWH 8 , "tei iq t ar W have a large stock ' '"ff' r""cr l2siS!!'' jfc--.J' mE'1e bow 10 take care ol . j j :T,t t wsk " """" ourp noandotlerv able of second .hand and shght- snd n(e c ( g ,.,. ly used pianos of all stan- . . .- ... y , v. ; . . send for it to-day- dard makci. Here are a - . fe. sample bargains. Direct From This Factory to You Steinway. .$175.00 Saves $150.00 FreeCatalogueCcupoa Knabe.... 165.00 Selling as we do. direct from our factory to your home, ive j p- BtarclcBldl 'hionito Emerson . . 100.00 arA,acb'e 0r ou 1?w Prices th,al wiU .save 'u uprTt ' 't obligation It. , i rrn i-IA of S150.00 in the purchase pnee of your piano. You should ; on my part, your compl. to Ulus- K.imball. .. U.UU take advantage of these money-saving prices and send to-day 1 trated piano catalogue, also fuil Starck 19 5.00 fu" P'iculars concerning our faetory-to-home offer. LmS'-.J JSS send to-day for our latest list 50 Free Music Lessons v : "y paymeBt t-aM- j of second hand bargains and our Kvcrv bnver of a Pisrrlt piano Is entitled to re- : fompletc new illustrated catalog of oelve 50 tree ,iilc lea-ions throucli one ol the : Name 1 , bt-st known scliools In t lilcaco. These lessons : H SUrck pianos. Bre tn be taken In your own home at your con- ; 2 1 vccJenco. j Stree, No. or R. F. D f P. A. Stardi PiailO Co., Manufacturers ChlCagO j Town and Stato . 3 K0H Ala Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate I THE FORGIE APARTMENTS j - - ----. - ;i : f J FINEST IN SOUTHERN UTAH l . i(! Concrete Construction Throughout I SAFE AND SANITARY i lit J: f CLEAN - CLASSY - COMFORTABLE I if All Modern Conveniences l. Steam Heat, Eleclric Service, Laundry Facilities j Electric and Firelees Cookers that cost less for fuel than e any Stove or Range '! I?,'. . & REASONABLE RATES I ! Milford, Utah Mrs. G. 0. Forgie, Prop. ;. r- ,-- tj r- a . : e .- - e r- e - e r- r- ' ) |