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Show XT TT - A NATION-WIDE''- . "quality ' INSTITUTION- fa ' - . pay - ALWAYS AT. . ! 7 ' I TTT l A CASH , A SAVING" U - ' " :p lira . . I' I "I AND SAVE ' "Where Savings Are Greatest' , . , milford UTAH: : ...... ry" ; "7;; Stand the Test of 'Comparison We Welcome Such Comparison . Coats fbr GMs 5eiMoi Dresses;;;:; -1 . , ...... '...For G,irls 6 to 14 As Serviceable llv kxcellent quality Mother 'nr that fir- T;: 'TTIKm : " T-I V0 ' cut xouit be practical o IWw . - KL thiy must, but they should Mp.tL ' fFcBR'lW : .... A . " . b. smart, too. if they are to fvG3lr jSs&y !,a ' ' . ' ' ' ' . clease the irls themselves I "" " rlgg?ji fta , .... . .... ..,,.'-.,,.- Both mothers and daughter "" "Sty7VTWii -"'YV' '75? '- ; ' r -will agree that these coats M V I T""i$mkV j Vjy & Vi 4"C re a delightful combination ' ' ftkVW "i W 'AJ ' k I-I'r I of fabrics and tailoring that W tl W .-sRW -13'' tV7 - ,- will serve, and style that i I- I ' -I -'ytvg 'X. smartly correct. Be sure to - ,.-J - L, I . , I , .A V 'Ot " A Tt t y v - , ,r .ce,he. ...... 'un' fi'-V4 show A Flatten'ng CV Sizes2to6 14.98- U V rV - Use. of Fur LjfjLl .She.? 10 6.90 :H-' ' ' The distinction of coat mod- - Six. 11 W 16, 9.90 -ZL. els for fall and winter lies in MffllT : : - : generous collars and cuffs of f4t It Frocks to -Wear-Now ,Llf . yfD Iciiaehaes . inga..n.ew coat from this au- 1 3ZL VX: Every woman welcomes tfoi thentic assortment where the . I . . . i&jfX "'fresh -smartness of heavier silk prices , are in . line . with yoiii'' " ff f '. j tTJ (l l"and darker, richer colors satin j highest demands for thftft, as l II i'ffS i ManCflv;vvPr:a;;ffie ;KdisK w5.!!!;',.'..''..''l'".'. ' I f-l fabrics, used . ix Jnterpret ntw; -----4lH "V 7 Til - jpsJtL ' 'A f j jstyles-rr-.a.- bec.o.ming....spftness .iJ (.J, q IX . ;Vy characterizes-these 'frocks in ad- '.' -cl 1 ,-' ' f J ,'V'"vaiHc"niorl'.---i.'.i- Fall- -The eco- (h) A . . I I slT!Uinl Arnrrffl nomical prirrs are tempting T , I D . 1 . .I ml' IS4l -jnSjiitcy?!1.: .-..... ., w- ' . P - II U ' ''ijir-'l'sll 'roclis! Smooth,-- soft-finish-' fabrics' carry , k IjU-AjI-- "Vtv... .. . .. .. out the feminine tendency that is ap- 1 , .. 00 -tO parent in the elaborate use of fur I 1 ' . TJF. . trimming broadcloth, twilled broid- J I X 1 : I ' r- cloth and fine suede fabrics. I y 1 1 v -V "' 0"75 Stunning New Models Ul A . . '' ' " ' X ZS " For Womeh Misses -Juniors -.' -( Don't get so interested in Politics thatyotrf or-ge or-ge t the fen ce or barn or house needs a coat of Paint. lorris I Sons WALLACE MORRIS, Manager Wholesale " Retafl FEEDS FOR EVERY NEED Farm Machinery T WANT ADS i . . . FOR SALEQiieWestinghouse five horsepower electric motor, good as ' new. A Garzand, P. O...Box 38, Mil-ford,- Utah . , 9-7-t3-pd. ROYAL Typewriter for. sale,. for ten '.. dollars. A. C. Nebeker. 9-7-t2-pd WILL trade houses or lota in Milford for California property. Also empty lots-for sale". Very easy terms. $10 ; down, $5.00 a month.. Nellie Martin, 248 Sinclair Ave., Glertdale, Calif. ... .. . . :". : 8-10-17-tp --' -ASSIGNMENT ; "100 'ACRES,' $800- improvements. ' Price, ?1000 ensh, or $50 month for 24 months., Harry Blow, New Brunswick, Bruns-wick, N..X . ... : ','.8-25-t4-pd Experience in selling musical instru ments is not necessary but any experience experi-ence you have had, of "course, will help you. We have two or three pranstO submit for your consideration. considera-tion. So write us fully today, stating stat-ing age, experience, references and so forth. Address Territorial Manager, Man-ager, Daynes-Bybee Music company, 61 South ' Main street, Salt Lake City. (Adv.) ' : Do Your Kidneys Purify Your Blood? If Bladder Weakness, Getting Up Nights, Backache, Burning or Itching Itch-ing Sensation, leg or groin pains make you feel old, tired, peplesa, and worn out why not make the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Dont give np. Get Cystex today at any drug store. Put it to a 48 hour test. Money back if you dont soon feel like new, full of pop, sleep well, with pains alleviated. Try Cystex today. Only 00c. - - - " O. F. HUBBELL, DRUOS The Street LN FRONT OF OUR STORE IS BAD RIGHT NOW BUT OUR BACK AS WELL AS FRONT DOOR IS OPEN .-'- AND- THERE IS. PLENTY ;OF PARKING SPACE ' "there. 'zll tWrrHotel Gives more for the price you pay than any hotel on earth. " "It gives you harmony, refinement and. charm. THE CAFE is open continuously and gives good service and serves Wonderful good meals. COURTEOUS SERVrCE OR MF-SERV1CE A SANITARY, MODERN GROCERY DURKEES PICKLE SPICE 1Ac All yarities pkg. u DURKEE GROUND SPICE - - AH varities pkg. V PICKLING CUCUMBERS Oftc -Per Pound -PICKUNiXONIQXS 10 c Per Pound -;::'.: .:;;:.::.::::.."::::::.-:' CAULIFLOWER .... 17c Per Pound - - ' CELERY - - '- " 1C Per Bunch 10 bars A B Naptha Soap ..'- -- - 3tC 10 bars C W. Soap . , 1,. . --5?C 10 bars P & G Soap . . ... .. 3l C Skinners Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles 1 fl C Q Macaroni, Spaghetti, 4 7 ounce pkgs 16C c JEFFERSON MERCANTILE CO. r A CTT T fl A TP rnlr Cfrt m (in nor tnn. 7": 0 J 'Large Lump; $11.00 per ton. ' "Grocery" TVleat Departirient Hardware Coal Phone 20" 7""".';. Furniture'' Phone 67 - WnTLEMYLASt . ., T "AUTOMOBILE SFiTroSfflONS kl-flM- . IF OUR MAIN3TREET ENTRANCE IS TORN UP, DRIVE IN ON STODDARD AVENUE FOR AUTO- S MOBILE SERVICE" Nichols & Zabriskie PROPRIETORS H Phone 32;- .Milford, Utah j ''HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH -i ,,, iv---v?fk wv-OytWW'W'T,"''y,L',t''' " -' ' " --.--"'v- . . i |