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Show i few ikfe What Linoleum Floors Would Mean to You They would mean less housework because, being waterproof and spotproof, they can be quickly and easily cleaned with a mop or.damp cloth. They would mean no scrubbing, no taking up no beating, and if you will let us cover your floors with ' BIABOfS linolerat : it would mean more beauty for any room in which it was used. Furthermore, it would mean real economy because of the many years of wear built into every yard I of this linoleum. We will gladly assist you in the choice of appropriate Blabon patterns for any of your rooms. Let us serve you soon. THE WHITE MARKET I j JSIi Bit Good things to eat have always been our policy and it is upon this plaform that we continue to serve our customers. Here you will always find fresh, appetizing appetiz-ing and tempting foodstuffs and at prices consistent with absolutely fresh groceries. Thrifty housewives who recognize the never failing truth of "A penny saved it a penny earned," will take advantage of the low prices at which we offer our High Quality products. The Miller Market (YOUR HOME TOWN STORE) Why Not Wit h Tires? You buy $10 shoes $8 hats $50 suits. No thought of -f "hanggling." Plainly marked merchandise. You pay what's I asked! But tires! Anything to make the sale "deals" "special dis- counts," "introductory offers," or what have you? ji Here's the most convincing sales argument of all. It cuts MORE CARS RUN ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Goodyear Tires sell at fair prices always no cut rates, t no cuts in quality, no "deals." Don't need them. I They sell because The Greatest Tire Company in the World I makes them to outperform any other tire ON THE ROAD. Get these amazing figures! Over seventy-five billion tire j miles last year on Goodyears. More than 168,000,000 pounds of rubber used. PKOPLE WANT GOODYEAR TIRES. When customers say our service is like Goodyear Tires, it makes us happy. We are always friendly expert in- Iterested. Lot's get acquainted soon. NICHOLS & ZABRISKIE GARAGE " Give your home a chance to look its best Let us tell you how TARESS up your home! Paint up! ' And when you decide to start, come in and let us tell you about du Pont Prepared Paint made by the makers of Duco. Here is an outside house paint that will give j'ou lasting satisfaction. It will protect your home from the effects of driving rains and blistering suns. e carry a complete line of du Pont paints, varnishes, enamels, and Duco. Let us help you give your home a chance to look its best. PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS DUCO Made by fljJJ) Jefferson Merc. Co. Nielsen Fair Deal Garage Beaver, Utah I IF YOU NEED ANY TIRES, OR ACCESSORIES, OR MECHANICAL WORK ON YOUR CAR, LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, FOR CASH, MAY 23th, 192S, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: 1 Holt Tractor grader; 5 Mowing machines; 5 buck rakes; 8 farm wagons; 5 hay racks; 1 spring tooth Harrow; 1 brush Rake; 2 Corrugators; 1 Grain box; 10 extra Wagon wheels and axles; 1 Round-up Mess box; 8 sets farm harness; 50 horse collars; 2 Disc Plows; 50 head, work and saddle horses; 2 Percheron Stallions; 1 Thoroughbred Stallion, a sire of Polo Types; 1 Cream Separator; 1 Haines Sewing Sew-ing Machine; Many new .Mowing Machine parts; 1 Steel Wheelbarrow. (Signed) T. THOMAS. COL. C. G. SMITH, Auctioneer. JEFFERSON MERCANTILE CO. announces the opening of a furniture department. The Company feels that th's department will fill the demands of the people for a first class furniture store in the 1 county. I Our Stocks offer excellent opportunity to those desiring to furnish or refurnish their home for here I is furniture and rugs of obvious good taste; rich in individuality and high in quality, but still in the JJ I reach of all the people. - J If you desire to purchase on monthly installments our deferred payment plan makes it possible to buy . on small monthly payments. o THE SUN jfrrer?Hmfty , S ROOM j fr- I S I Color with it cheerful- &J""xW g S fj g J" E"?afc4 a I ness should rule the sun SlllSaSSBSJjtf 5j J I room in every home. S jfeuOvA C A JCaJCCjOMA, A " J Bright colored wicker j Ljj j Dbut is cool and com- j IJ-1 -Hrj tvwOuWff I fortable and helps tgfflTtgttfffi fUniLruM H make the summer jj slOTf l?"r"l j Q months more endur- j pSstojigH , rvS.fS-ij S I Q sets of many weaves. 1 '""l ''L ' " . fg I 0 O different pieces and in 1 f ' 'jS-gfe- -5t'' I O color combinations or j 'SI:SiS C II plain tones which har- xw , - fu 3 Ji? 55 monize with any color lSB?;r5?T!sgji jj J scheme you may have e -.n m i in r..a.-,ra.,am .......J) II II in mind 1 hc ,;et shown above is but one of the many We are now showing. 0 ' n yipg'd ' ' " v u fflPMQI THE KITCHEN jj jsJU- tl : ! . There is jy in a kihen spick and span and ! 3m&KnrrT J 'VX- furnished with fhe new brightly painted f QMiM chestnut wood sets, table and chairs. Grace- X xW-'-l- i - ffflQf fuI and dainty sets for breakfast rooms too 7073i 7 1 vT some almlc'y painted others in unfinished Dr 1 woods for home painting or on oder. See SmS , A r" 1 these kitcll0n an(1 breakfast room sets. They h 3 I ZipSgrL J come in four, five, six and seven piece sets or 1 Iff J t 1 tbfr' in odd P'eces- i1 ' l " Phone 67 for Furniture, Paints, Coal, etc. C Jefferson Mercantile Company I Milford. Utah J ri tot my- tt iftr-ny-rngQEO |