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Show . -. 1 W - - ' DURING MAY ONLY! RA97 ALL WHITE fariont RANGE S137.50 $2.50 Down $6.00 Per Month NO INTEREST CHARGES FREE 42"PisetDinner FREE ACT NOW JUNE 1st IS TOO LATE! Telluride Power Company y v' c: 1" ?! tirt til :7Wfi s j a a . -. f j - !VjCiSj j . i pi ) 1 7 j !-.. t -- AU -M i Effective May 15, West Ma) 22,East DUy to September SO Liberal Stopovers Euroute Helnrn I unit October 33 OLA1N your summer trip to takeadvanla;e ol lou summer exclusion fares. Yott will have a choice ol return routes if desired, and may take advantage ol liberal stopover priviUves en route. Final return limit October 31. Interesting sidu trips to Zioti Iu I , tional Park, Yellowstone and other EXAMPLES OF LOW western Bi-enic nttranions. $1 slight ROT TNT) TPTP 17AT to additional cost Visit Denver and - -UUiD XKJ.Jr' ARES Hocky Mountain National Park at From Milford to no extra railroad fare. Tr.T,. Denver $46.13 Luxurious comlorl unexcelled Omaha 74 g service. And low Hires to practically Kansas Cltv 7418 'Sr1 "iud States and ''Chicago 84 68 '' fc" ' - New York City 146TJ8 3ipV New Oceans 94.53 Ls Angeles -;.., 40.00 r:ifil;. Portland... -. 58.30 H;?';?- Boston...... ....152.14 rri:U:.y-::: rV --' Washington 140.24 I5-'--',;-': -:i:'K -';::, Ask Aent for further details y f -D.S.SPENCER ' - General Passenger Agent H?:pi?l&ilv'f &,h Lake City' Utah . " The Overland Rout6 MIS insects by o A (0 the roomful , vZ f x. j t ' V- At (troocrs. druMUta. C . J V ' SL- hardware, deporduetu '1 V VJ stores and Standard Oil -, i . K. Sen-ice Sta(iunii.lckl tJ in tit" (with improved "' m r wpraycr), pititg, quart. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CAHPORIVIA ii b.rr.u. |