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Show J.C.PENNEY CO. MILFORD UTAH Important in Style Important in Thrift! STYLED TO TAKE IMPORTANT PLACES IN THE Junior Promenade New Prom dresses that will take their place with absolute confidence in their style correctness. As economical as they are authentic. $9.90 $14.75 Hotel Atkin Large spacious rooms. An inward spirit of hospitality. Good standards of service and excellent meals served in our cafe have within a few months gained for the Atkin an enviable and good reputation. - We are constantly improving for the good and benefit of our customers. WAJsT ADS f FOR SALE Three houses in Mil-font. Mil-font. One furnished. Will be all modernized and painted. Inquire A. Garzand at Frisco, or write Box 38, Milford. 3-15-t8-pd FOR SALE Refri-trator. $15.00. As good as new. Phone 83 or call at Company House No. 5. 3-15-tl-pd LEGALLY correct Mining Location Notices for sale at the News office. 50c per dozen. A GOOD buy in hou.-e and lot. House completely furnished ready to move into. Fuur rooms and bath. In- quire News. 2-lj-tf-ehj; A FEW good furnished apartment? for rent. Equipped with coal or elec trie ranges. See Mrs. Osborn at Mar-j Mar-j tin Terrace Apts. l-lS-tf-ch. I " j FOR SALE By owner, alfalfa seed for planting, bees and bee equipment, "our milk cows and choice alfalfa : and in Milford Pumping Belt. Chester Ches-ter G. Haskell, Milford, Utah. I 3-S-t2-chg. I j A FEW J 2 l a For ! FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 e f I BACON MU 8ngarcurd Cacn 1 'b 29 I EGGS strictIy fresh Ranch e 1 doz- c I TOMATOES 2 Iarse size cans Red Mount Tmatoc-s 25 I pj 2 cans Van A,an Ea-riy June Pea.s c 1 CORN 2 cana Fancy iiiinoLs corn 25 FLOUR HustIer s Wawatch !00 lb. I I SUGAR l;xtrafinei5cctSufl:ariooibs- ?g-2- 1 fjJj 1 can of Carnation or IJordcn's jqc I BUTTER 1 ,b" utah Host I!utlcr 47c ' !; HAND SOAP n11." 25c ! I! ORANGES, I! A, NAN AS and GREEN VEGETABLES of all ','), 'i kinds at unusual bargain prices. !!l 1 ALLEN CASif STORE j! I! South Main Street Telephone 39 1 MILFORD, UTAH I! imiimnmttnniiitimitmiitn FOUR TOURING CARS! FORI) TOFRING (Jowl rubber, in Rood condition ?.!(). W) Down OAKLAND TOURING $::o oo Down STAR TOFRING New tires $60.00 Down OLDSMOKII.E TOFRING-. $60.00 Down A. E. SMITH (At Mollis nnd Sons) (Dqtltmtm SATFRDAY, .MARCH 16 MIDNIGHT LIFE "DOGGONE" "WEAK KNEES" SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 17-1S "THE IRON MASK" Featuring , DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS COMEDY j TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19-20 j "FUGITIVES" With ! MAIXJE BELLAMY "MAKING WHOOPIE" : CHINA NIGHT THURSDAY-FRIDAY, j MARCH 20-21 "NIGHT BIRD" With REGINALD DENNY "CRUSHED HATS" i 0 'W .JUST A FEW f 111 RiCeo 5 QUOTED to convince fi you that we can sell merch- c q andise at a price that cannot fj be equaled. C 81x90 42x36 Seamless Sheets Pillow Cases o 90cEach 25cEach ' L 16x31 22x44 q Colored Border Turkish Heavy Turkish U Towels Towells 14 Each 22 c Each n 0 Q 0 Linen Crash Toweling Crinkle Crepes ' M All shades and pretty II n Colored Borders ,. , ,. M Q figured patterns q t 12 c Yard 18c Yard ' Men's Spring-weight Boys' Knit Unions Unions Short sleeves, J Short sleeves, long legs short legs L 1 75c 65c f q GirLs' Knit Unions Ladies' Rayon Hose Y AH sizes 2 to 16 Light or dark shades 5 19c 45c , Ladies' Teddies, Gowns, Men's Collar Attached M Panties Dress Shirts O Made of fine Crepe or GCC M ; S" Nainsook, I ; Some are Munsingwcar Without collars 2' U 45c 59c f io OMEN'S KHAKI PANTS or A good grade for yl.0j ' LADIES' A.ND GRCwic GLRLS' SLIPPERS High. Low :md Military Heels. Patent and Kid Leathers. 5 ! Also Satins. Black and Light Shades. (JQ OA b j U They just can't be duplicated yu.Oj g MILFOPvD, ITAII It is Time to Think of Buying a Kako and Shovol and clean up your yard. Selecting your Garden and Flower Seeds. (Jetting an Alalwstinc Color Book from us and brighten up your home with Sanitary Wall Covering. You may have one of these home color books by calling at our store for it. Selecting n Congoleum Rug or piece of Linoleum from our stock. AND REMEMBER We sell the highest quality of Meats Groceries and Vegetables at all times. The White Market "A GOOD STOKE IN A GOOD TOWN" |