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Show Coachman as Collector. It la related ot Dean Gilbert Stokes that once,, when Influenza had Incapacitated Inca-pacitated his verger as well as tho two churchwardens, he consigned the duty ot collecting tho alms to n neighbor's neigh-bor's coachman. "Tako tho what, sir?" queried that worthy. "Tako .tho offertory," explained tho Dean. "The collection tho money from tho people In tho pews." Tho coachtunn seemed satisfied and ovon pleased with his new dignity. Hut when tho offertory hymn was half through a noisy altercation was heard In one ot tho transepts, and the Dean at onco called tho collector to tho rails. "Whatever Is tho matter!" ho Inquired. In-quired. Tho coachman, red of face and wrathful of eye, then explained, Ho was no half-and-half Individual, nnd when a thing was given him to do ho did It, and did It thoroughly. Ho said: "Why. sir, thero'a two mon In tho best soats ns won't pay." London Answers. |