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Show EXCELLENT 8P0RT IN MOROCCO. Every Kind of Amusement the Hunter Hunt-er Can Desire. No visitor to Morocco has ever asked himself what he was to do for entertainment declares William Q Fltz Gerald In Four-Truck News There Is sport of every kind, from wild-boar hunting down to quail-shoot Ing; and further south ono may even shoot panthers and hyenas. Tho lion docs not begin until the Atlas mountains moun-tains are reached. Horses may be hired In Tangier for nbout a dollar and n half a day. Including nn American Ameri-can saddle; nnd for tho ladles there aro always comfortable, mules provided, pro-vided, with any number of Arab and slavo servnnts Tho sluvo market, by tho wny, Is no longer ono of the "sights" of Tangier, since Christine Influcnco long ago abolished It. This docs not mean, however, thnt the slave trado Is not carried on. Indeed tho traveler "In the know" may frequently fre-quently seo nn old Arab merchant lending round n negro boy nnd girl by tho ears from door to door, and ho will learn thnt these nro nil that re-ninln re-ninln ot nn enormous slave enrava" obtained by Arab raiders as far som as tho Niger and mysterious Tlmbuc-too, Tlmbuc-too, In central Afrlcn. |