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Show Bore On Too Heavily. "This won't go for only one f-lnmp," raid tho vlllngo poMnmotiT to old Uncle 'Klah, ns tho latter liandtnl him a bulky nnd much-sealed missive. "Whuf for? What dc mndtla.li wld dnt7" "Too heavy," replied the rc-Mmnstor, botnnclng It on his band. "Umph! I tolo dnt boy so whon he was n-wrltln' of It. I tolo him he wns wrltln' too heavy n ban', but ho hep' on n-bcarln' down nn' n bearln' dov;n on tho pen, Inhk a load o' hay. I'll tnkc It back, snh, an' mek him write wlil a pencil. 1 ain't gwino .pen no mo' two ccntscs Jcs' for his plghend-cdncss." plghend-cdncss." Northland Weekly. |