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Show V 1 , TOOELE COUNTY TIDBITS., ' y STOCKTON SHORT SENTENCES MI83C8 Efllo Hcncfcr nnd Alt 13 row 11 bayo gono to Salt Lnko CIt to nttend school this winter. ot ot Mrs. A. J. MInnctto of Dlngham C.11 yon spent several days-this week wit her daughter, Mrs. J, L. Davis. t t ' Miss Ida Heath of Salt Iako CIt spent several days last week, w guest of Mrs. Oscar Anderson, ot ot The IllacU Etnmond company If now loading another carload of hlcl grude oro carrying lead, silver, cou iJori-and Komo'llttle geld. Thin U the second car sent In slnco'thc company began mining on the druln tunnel level lev-el earlier in tho month, nnd Indicates that just as soon ns room Is mado for men the oro will ho coining along nt very closo Intervnls. Speaking of tho ninck Diamond Company, Superintendent E. J. Ilad-latz Ilad-latz ot tho Honcrlnc stated that It looked fine. The ore, ho says. Is making In the contnet nt a depth ot 700 feet beneath tho surfaco nnd on n level with tho drain tunnel, through which tho oro Is being sent under nn agreement with tho Honcrlno company. com-pany. n |