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Show SILVER EAGLE. "John T. Connor, tho vctcrnn Stockton Stock-ton mlno operntor nnd business man, was In tho city yesterday on his way back to camp from n trip to Park City. Ho reports that tho Honcrlno drain tunnel has entirely clenred tho old West Argent property, now owned by tho Sliver Englo company, of wn-ter, wn-ter, and thnt sinking Is again under way In the shaft. " 'I havo been away for a fow days,' said Mr. Connor, 'but I am iiulto certain cer-tain that tho 700-foot level Is closo nt hand. If they have not nlrcndy reached It From that point n cross-cut will bo run n dlMnnco of nbout thirty feet to tho vein, nnd I will stake my reputation repu-tation on It thnt when tho vein Is tupped It will bo found loaded with lino ore. I worked thnt property down to water level myself, and I know what I am talking about.' " Trlbtino. |