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Show o GREAT IS THE CYCLONE. At a depth or C50 feet In tho Incline with which tho properties ot tho Cy-clono Cy-clono Mining company nt Stockton are being dovcloped tho management, 'several dn)s ago, uncovered on tho foot wall n small streak of galena, samples ot which Indicate from 40 to fflvr"" - 'OOier cent leadi with n halt-ounce of ijllvp 'according to the rnlo In that JjicnIJfy to rncji unit of the former metal. S'fe:j foet below the point of idlscovijyyvtMyii It. T. Sapplngton, In 'trf report to tho company, this streak .hun developed to 11 width of fourteen lijjcheslfwfth m-crythlng lo foretell n lurr.erJmhBtf below this. In addition lo ha'pnyrqek, thero is lu tho bottom &f'thJworkliigf. 11 mass pf mineralized jnr.srful, nud In his opinion the con- dltlqh In more fnurnlilp to the renllzn- lion 'or (tint for which th3 nmnage- Ijicjrit hns licwi persevering than nt ,'), period slifjce the search was ti iUigurntod. So favorably Impressed Is ilie, indeed, with tho condition that ho ftps recommended to tho directors ilhht the Incline be continued to tho 00-foot level nt once. In this recom- ttr.rndatlon the board has roncuriod fnd to piovlde for the work an assess- went or one-half cent a share, or $200, ias been called for. The eln has now jueti tnpped at three levels, and It , ooks as If the property of tho Cyclono would In short time bo added to the list of Stockton produceis. |