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Show "Strictly Fresh Ebb." "Theso aro strictly fresh eggs!" asked Hiram Hazleby. "Strlfttl! Positively! No possible doubt of It!" declared tho grocery-man. grocery-man. Hut what Interested Hiram was that upon ono of tho eggs was neatly written writ-ten tho name and address ot "Mamlo Duesonborry," nnd an Invitation to whomever received tho egg to wrlto to her. Hiram w,roto to tho postmaster postmas-ter ot tho small Pennsylvania town Instead. What Information could the Kstmastor glvo him? "Dear Mr. Hnzloby Miss Dnesen-berry Dnesen-berry wns a charming joung woman who wns very successful In tho poultry poul-try nnd egg lino. Sho married nnd wont out ot tho egg business threo or four years ago." "Oh, positively! Every sg guaranteed!" guaran-teed!" said tho groceryman. Judge, |