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Show Sheriff Dorrity and Co. Attorney Attor-ney King were doing business here and at Lynndyl the first of the week. E. E. Smith, solicitor for exhibits ex-hibits for the stait fair, was here again the first of the week looking after exhibits. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith are the proud possessors of a baby girl, born on the ninth. Mrs. Myrtle Manary of Milford spent several days last week visiting home folks here. R. L. Timer, who went to Salt Lake Monday to take his infant in-fant daughter for medical treatment treat-ment returned home Thursday. Mrs. Dr. Tracy who accompanied accompan-ied them there remained with the little one. Miss Emily Price of Beaver is here visiting Mrs. Walter Moffit. M. M. Steel visited Salt Lake City the last of last week. FOR SALE: 80 head of good, thrifty pigs and shoats. Hi Hold-redge, Hold-redge, Sutherland. al2-19 Dr. F. I. Kimball of Los Angeles, Angel-es, who has been here for a couple of weeks visiting his son Don., who is developing a place on the North Tractin which he and his father are interested in, returned return-ed home the first of the week. Mr. Kimball sees many improvements improve-ments since his former visit here, and before his departure, after having viewed the crops and seeing the great possibilities in store' for this country he looks for a mighty step forward in all lines within the next two years- N. D. Thompson, one of Green River's prominent sheep men, was here the last of last week, for the purpose of looking after his large farm southeast of Delta and puting it in cultivation. Mr. Thompson purchased the land several years ago and was formerly form-erly a resident of Scipio. He said he always had great faith in Delta and the Delta country but was pleasently surprised at the progress the town and surrounding surround-ing country has made since his last visit. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Soule entertained en-tertained Mr. and Mrs. Beck-vvith Beck-vvith and family last Saturday evening and at Sunday dinner. After supper Saturday an enjoyable enjoy-able evening was spent inspecting inspect-ing Mr. Soule's farm and visiting visit-ing his neighbors on a "get acquainted ac-quainted trip. " It is a pleasure to pay the Soule Farm a visit and to see the methods of farming, and a treat indeed to enjoy their hospitality, for which Mr and Mrs. Beckwith are deeply indebted. in-debted. -FOR SALE:-Carbon Copying Paper at the Chronicle office. ml3tf Settler's Attention. All Carey Act settlers should take in hand their proofs and attend at-tend to them now. If a final proof is due, the publication requires re-quires five weeks, and as most are due by April 1st, each final necessary should be begun at once. The yearly proofs should be attended to promptly. Notice Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Millard County will meet August Aug-ust 17th, 1915, to hear complaints from all those who have received notices of back taxes due and I for making the proper adjust- ment therefore. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. Commiss-ioners. R. T. Ashby, Clerk. Notice The Millard Co. Board of Education Edu-cation will receive bids until August 17th, 1915, at 10:30 a. m., for the driving of artesian wells on the school property at Rock. Sugarville. Sunflower and Sutherland, Suth-erland, all in Millard County. One well to each school. The bids must be sealed and addressed to the Clerk of the School Boord, Fillmore, Utah. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Signed, Alonzo Huntsman, Clerk of the School Board, Fillmore, Utah. a5-12 |