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Show Grasshopper Pest Easily Controlled County Agriculturist, J. P. Welch was in Delta Wednesday and from him we learned the following method of destroying grasshoppers: 1 ponnd Paris green, 31bs. sugar, sug-ar, 3 oranges, crushed to a pulp, 2 gallons of water. Mix the above thoroughly and stir it into thirty lbs. of bran or chopped wheat. Stir the mixture until it is uniformely mixed. When bran appears partially dry and forms in small balls about the size of a pea the mixture is ready for use and should cover about 5 acres. Sow it broad cast among the alfalfa, on ditch banks, or among other crops, just as you would sow wheat broad cast. Be sure and do not use so much water in the mixture that you make it sloppy. The hoppers will begin to die the second day after sowing sow-ing and will continue until about the eighth day. This method is now being used with great suc cess by Marcus Skeem and others oth-ers of Oasis, also by Mr. Young of Abraham. The hopper now infesting the country is that of the native variety var-iety which infests the locality in which they hatch, not migrating to any extent. The above method meth-od is a great boon to the farmer and if put into practice by everyone every-one will notmly serve his present pres-ent crop but will be the means of protecting, him from the pest next year which if no means for destroying it is taken, will be a great deal more serious than it is this year. " Mr. Welch says the result, obtained ob-tained are really surprising and he is now urging all farmers to adopt this treatment. For complete information on grasshopper control write Utah Agricultural College Experiment Station, Logan, Utah, and ask for the recent bulletin on grasshopper grass-hopper control. |