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Show THE UTAH BUDGET A Salt I-ake girl wife has had her husband and father arrested, claiming tier father sold her In marriage and that her purchaser beats her. lulls have been introduced In the senate appropriating 130,000 for a site tnd public building at Eureka and $50,000 for a site and building at Vernal. Ver-nal. That Bountiful will have a new public pub-lic school house, costing about $20,000, was decided upon by the board of trustees In their meeting, held Friday night. An unknown Austrian laborer deliberately de-liberately threw himself In front of a train near Ogdn and was ground to !lcccs. He had over $1,000 In cash on h.s person. The people of Sprlngvllle are planning plan-ning a big celebration of old folk: day on June 22. It Is expected that at least 1.200 aged people from other towns will be present. That the government will establish a central experiment bureau In Murray Mur-ray City, for the Investigation of all Insect evils, especially tho alfalfa weevil, wee-vil, has practically been assured. Venturing beyond his depth, and unable un-able to swim, Walter Klrby, a well known farmer of Tremonton, was drowned In tho hot springs, two miles aouth of Fielding Sunday afternoon. Hie largest sheep shearing corral li the United States Is at Milford. No only Is this plant the largest In the United States, but It Is one of the best equipped machine plants In the world. Alvln Ithorp, a painter, aged years, was Instantly killed by falling from tile trestle over Curr Fork, Iling-bam Iling-bam Canyon. Latbrop fell 135 feet, practically every bono In his body being broken. The epidemic of measles at the Bchool for the Deaf and Iillnd at Og-di-n has abated, and the fifteen pupils who had been quarantined In the school hospital for some time have been released. An exodus to Chicago of about fifty Greeks, formerly employed at the Og-den Og-den freight station of the Harrlmnn lines, has been occasioned by their discharge and the blring of Bulgarians In their places. Mrs. Margaret Daly Brown, whose death occurred on Saturday, was the oldest daughter of the late Marcus Daly and was tho first white child at Ophlr, a mining camp in Utah, where she was born August 2, 1873. A company to be known as the Lay-ton Lay-ton Water System, has been Incorporated Incorpor-ated for the purpose of supplying we ter for culinary and kindred purposes to the residents of Layton. The capital capi-tal stock la placed at $25,000. Considerable relief Is felt by ths dry farmers In the vicinity of Nephl on account of the assurance given by Dr. E. I). Hall or the state college that the damage by the army worm la probably at an end for this year. The nineteenth semi annual Sunday school convention of the Utah Central district, comprising Utah, Juab, Wasatch, Was-atch, Carbon, Grand and Emery counties, coun-ties, held at Provo last Saturday, was attended by about 100 delegates. Having expressed a presentiment to bis wife that he feared he was to meet with accident and after the trip would lay off, George W. Angell, a Southern Pacific brakemari, living at Ogden, was run over at Lucln and fatally injured. in-jured. Asking for the repeal of the city or dlnance closing confectionery establishments, estab-lishments, Ice cream parlors and drug stores on Sundays, a petition signed by a majority of the voters was granted by the city council of American Ameri-can Fork last week. During a severe electrical storm which came up at Santaquln sudu.-nly Saturday noon, two horses were instantly in-stantly killed by lightning and sev persons received slight shocks. For several minutes the rain fell with almost al-most the volume of a bursting waterspout water-spout Half a dozen gambling charges against prominent citizens of Spanish Fork, which were to have been tried last week, were continued Indefinitely and the defendants released without instructions. The charges grew out of a poker game which was Interrupted by the town marshal Ths street car empolyes of 8alt Lake have been granted an Increase of wages and other coneess'ons SJUtht by the union. The new wage sc' will Increase the payroll of the street railway company $20,000 a year. Many of the farmers on the Levan ridge are concerned over the appearance appear-ance in the cowing wheat fields of a strange, dark crown worm. It Is said to be present In vast numbers and seems to feed upon the young plants. Renewing the fight against the fly Inaugurated by the state board of health last year. Secretary Beatty has Issued a circular to the health officers of the state calling attention to the dangers that accompany he fly season. sea-son. Professor F. M. Webster, who has charge of the government work In the agricultural department's fight against pests which destroy crops, has just arrived la Salt Lake from Washington, Wash-ington, to make a careful Investigation Investiga-tion of the alfalfa veevll conditions la Utah. |