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Show 4t B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor atabaorlptlen Price 12 per Year, S Months 11.29 Advertising Rates. Cards, 1 per Inch per month; display dis-play ads lOo per Inch, single column, month. Discount for largo space. Reading notices 10 cents per lino first insertion, I oeata each subsequent In-aertloa. In-aertloa. Catered aa Second-class matter July 14. 1110, at the post office at Delta, Utah, under act of March 3, 1879. all Lake Office, 283 S. W. Temple SL t is the only ; IBirisuiredj V Sewing ,1 P. Machine Just Think of It? j? !, Tm Fsra Srwieg Msrhlne i in- J5 J. surrd (or rive yrar i-3int srriilrnt hrrakii-f , nr ir, fire , tnrm-j'i, !'' - jj f ning snd waff. This shows our p ; fsith in ' i tab FREE j f Sewing Machine f TMnH what M rnssnsl ji ti mum. tful II io hntk ur ,it l T ( ) U4I. fcwlt. HiCMl. K.) II tit I I ik aKkiM It Mior II will miIkW tQ t fx UkuaicMri. BISHOP t WALLACE CO., Agtnts DELTA. VTAH C H. RICHARDS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Calls from all parts of the County promptly attended to Office in Drug Store DELTA,' UTAH FOR SALE OR RENT. All or a part of 160 acres in West Delta, 80 acrea In brush. Also 75 head of shoats for sale. See or phone L. II. MOULTON, West Delta. . 8EED GRAIN. I have some first class red chaff wheat and good oats suitable for seed. ANDREW KISZKLE. West Delta. The Kelley Hotel Newly built and newly furnished fur-nished throughout. Clean and comfortable rooms and an excellent table for regular and transients borders. Jas. A. Kelley Proprietor Clark Street - Delta FOR RENT OR SALE. Three room restaurant. X'.io three room house with two acres and stable for rent. Jacob's Restaurant, Delta. 30 DAYS ONLY In order to make room for our Spring Goods, we will for 30 days make the following big reductions Men's 12.75 Rivsl Hats $ 2.40 Men's $2.25 Queen City Hats 1.90 Men's $9.00 Suits $.00 Msn's $11.00 Suits S.00 Men's $17.50 Suits 15.00 Men's $20.00 Suits 16.00 DAMRON & HAWLEY Deseret BIG REDUCTIONS OH ALL IVlNTEfT DRY GOODS 1 GOLDEN RULE STORE To make room for our Spring Stock Call in and sde the Special "Bargains XV c are Offering GEORGE DAY - - DELTA YOU NEED HARNESS Why not get the Jv-t? We carry it. Heavy Leather Haters of the bent make. Chain Harneii and LigLl Single Harness. A foil supply of Collars. CALL AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE GOT. BISHOP & WALLACE CO., DELTA SAVE MOHEY OH COATS Rather than carry aver my Msn's Overcoats and Ladies' and Children's Ceatst I am offsrfng them below cast. Youll need them a couple of montho'yet. So buys Men's Bib Overalls for a few days. HOVELS, HOES AND RAKES will soon be needed. I sell 'em. R. J. LAW DELTA i i(Great 1 1 Stock Reducing Sale 1 1 jj!- -i tun fc'.f.'aeaa'" " t H Beginning Tuesday, February 18 I We must have room for our new spring goods and are slashing prices to bed-rock, y Our loss your gain, come early and avoid the rush, Some of our bargains? Sugar $6.00 per sack, 14 lb. S1.00, White Laundry soap 6 bars for 25c. Luneta Coffee 3 cans for S1.00. Five papers of 3 Crown Tea only S1.00. 31b Mc Donald's assorted wrapped Candies only 50c I Our great stock of Men's, Women's, and Children's shoes at 25 per cent dls- II count Think of it, a $5.00 shoe for only $3.75, a $4 00 for only $3.00. Ladies' and ChUdrens' Coats and Men's and Boy's Suits. Some excellent ralues II at 25 per cent off our regular prices. Come and inspect our line and fit up at II our expense. II Get oncfifth off on all piece goods, apron ginghams and calicoes, lawns, etc II ; j Our splended assortment of ribbons must be reduced) buy them while they II 1 last at a reduction of 25 per cent. II Ve also announce to the trade that we hare installed a Bowser Filtering and II ; Storage Tank for Gasoline. Demand the best and buy where they also hare II a full stock and can supply you. HINCKLEY CO-OP. I : HINCKLEY, UTAH . Pi S |