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Show Eerie hi eg the Language. The growth and change which are aseparable from all living language :aanot rail to Interest the student, and i special interest attaches to the incorporation in-corporation of the names of well-mown well-mown men. Thus Wellington has some to meaa a sort or boot; Broag-ism, Broag-ism, a carriage, and Gladstone, approbate appro-bate enougt; a traveler's -bag. si hat great maa advocated the "bag and wggage policy, which seems likely at eagth to be adopted. Other names have beea tamed Into 'erbs aa well aa novas. For Instance, be murderer Burke's aame Is per-tetusted per-tetusted la the words to burns, bark-id. bark-id. burklsg and burklsm. while la site-recent times Captain -Boycott's spertenoes resulted In the language etag enriched by the phrases to oyeott, boycotter. boycotting, etc. The most notable case was prob-bly prob-bly tbat of the great and good man. lev. T. Bowlder. D. D.. who by punishing pun-ishing a "family edition" of ghske-pesre ghske-pesre la 11. added the words bowldlerlre" and "bowlderUm" to eur Miguage Exchange. |