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Show NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, If. 8. Land Office at Salt Uke City, Utah, Jan. 17. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Alfred R Fowler, of Delta, Utah, who. on Feb. 23, 1912. made Desert Land Kntry Kn-try No. 09434. for N. H S. W. 4. Section Sec-tion 11. Township 17 8., Range 7 V., Bait Lake meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final desert Und proof, to establish flalm to the lnnd above described, before the Register and Receiver. U. 8. Land Office, at Bait Uke City. Utah, on the 28th day Of March. 1913. ClalmaU names as witnesses: Clarence Clar-ence Webster, Charles A. McUIn, Fank L. Copening. A. L. Long, all of Delta, Utah. E. D. R. THOMPSON, Register. Jan. 30 Feb. 27. |