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Show Many Reecued by a Cable. Many thrilling stories were told by the Dayton refugees who had been trapped In their attics and on their roofs In tbe very heart of the flood. A. J. Hard of Belmont avenue, who waa penned In the City National Hank building on Third street, bear Main, Tuesday, waa rescued. "One hundred and fifty of ua were caught In the building." aald Mr. Hard. "We remained there until the fire started, then wa began to plan an escape." "We cut the elevator cable and obtained ob-tained a ball of twine and aome small wire from one of the offices. We attracted at-tracted a boatman, who risked his Ufa to come to us. We gave the boatman one end of tbe twine and be rowed to the old courthouse, lie then pulled the wire over and after that tbe heavy cable. "One end of the cable waa made fast In tbe bank building and tha other in tbe old courthouse. Then, with only the light of the burning structure, the 150 persons In the bank building made their way, hand over hand, along the cable over the swirling swirl-ing torrent to the courthouse. I believe be-lieve every one, men and women, made the trip In safety. During our Imprisonment I had two crackers and a slice of chipped beef to eat" |