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Show THE RICHES OF ROUND VALLEY Attractive Scipio With its Productive Irrigated and Dry . Farms-A Prosperous Community An one catcbeH a view of Scipio coming over the divide from llolden It presents a very attractive appearance. Like a Jewel in a netting it nestles In a green valley Hurrouuded by mountains. moun-tains. Those to the northwest are atei p and rugged, while to the south, where (he town lies, they are low and rounding. Far to the north Mt. Nebo, one of the highest peaks In I'tah, lifts Its head Into the sky, snow-crowned until late In the summer. The valley in which it lies is known as Hound Valley, und was first opened for settlement about 1 S .". 7 by families from Sanpete valley. Just over the mountains to the east. Among these first arrivals were James Matthews, William Itohlna, Sr., .lens Ivies and William Itrown. The soil of the valley Ih very fertile and It raises splendid crops of hay, grain and vegetables. The hay Is largely used to feed cattle, of which a large number are raised in the valley and pastured in the mountains moun-tains lu summer. The water supply comes from the east slope of the I'avant mountains and is stored In a reservoir about eight miles south of the village. A large portion por-tion of the valley Is under irrigation, nnd between ro,i)oti and tin.ouo bushels of grain are raised per annum, and for years Hound Valley was known as the granary of Millard County. I liry farming is also being extensively practiced, as the precipitation Is about equal tt that nt Levan, the famous dry farm region of southern I'tah. Considerable Con-siderable new laud was taken up for this purpose last Hummer and there w ill be a larger area of land under cultivation the coming season than 'ever before. With a more scientific system of farming and the best use of ull available water the valley could support unich larger population than it does. With its comfortable homes set amid trees and gardens and surrounded by waving hay and grain fields, Scipio has a pleasant air of quiet prosperity and contentment. It has especial reason rea-son to lie proud of its large nnd handsome hand-some school house, a two-story brick structure, with four rooms used for class purposes and a large assembly room which serves as an amusement hall for all purposes. On the public scpiare with the school house Is the meeting house with a new Relief Society hall, a new brick structure struc-ture recently built. It Is the intention to Improve the square by planting It with trees and grass so as to make a public park of it. Sclplo'a chief disadvantage dis-advantage is its distance from the railroad, rail-road, Juab, 22 miles to the north, being the nearest point. DKAN PETERSON. At wwT ira . ' Xl u-z?r' cicz?' n?nniiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiii.!iii!;i'!.MOiii.i! n:;jiiii JENS P. PETERSON. Theabove Is an excellent picture of the slore and residence of Jens !'. Peterson, Pet-erson, the leading merchant of Scipio. Mr. Peterson came to Scipio as a boy In 1ST.'., and In his early manhood went Into the stock business, and for twenty years ran sheep In Millard and adjoining adjoin-ing counties. He Is still Interested In cattle, has a farm at Scipio and land around Iliirtner. His mercantile business busi-ness was established about fourteen years ago and has steadily grown until today it Is one of the most Important mercantile establishments In the county. coun-ty. A large Btock of general merchan dise is carried. Including dry goods, clothing, crockery, hardware, notions, groceries, etc. Mr. Peterson also deals largely In grain and takes orders for farm implements and machinery, wag ons, furniture, etc. Ilesldis farming, merchandising nnd stockraiflng Mr. Peterson is also a stockholder and director In the State ' Hank of Oasis and the Millard County Lumber Co. In fact Mr. Peterson Is one of the enterprising citizens of the county, ready to Invest his money in developing the agricultural and com merclal resources of Millard. - '. ; - -".-' , I ' E - im " , i ' - ! . t J '-v 's - - , ' . 1 Si I w- " - i&tmi 3 : v : T zizA! " " i.. i -"- j r - "'"" m Tw """ '!,! T7""'ZiimiA lZ'-iLm -ii Scipio School Houie. |