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Show NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, I'. 8. Land Office, at Salt Lake City,. Utah. March 7. 11)11. NOTICK Is hereby given that William Wil-liam F. Pratt, of Hinckley, I'tah, who, on May 2.1, 11MI7, made Desert Land Fntry No. 52.10, serial No. 0i'.4,1, for SIC 4 SF Sec. 11; K SK Sec. H. Tp. 17 8, Kang- 8 W, Salt Lake Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention In-tention to make final proof, to establish estab-lish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Fillmore, I'tah, on the 20th day -of April. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Nathan II. Iladger, Ilyrum F. Wright, Charles K. Humphrien, Johnathan II. Pratt, all of Hinckley, Utah. E. I). II. THOMPSON. Keglster. t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Department of the Interior. I U. 8. Land Office at i Salt Lake City. Utah. i March 17th. 1911. I Notice is hereby given that (!eorge I E. Oull of Iliirtner, Utah, who, on May ; 2d, 1907, made desert land entry No. I f.22S. Serial No. $176.1. for N E I section 21, township 17 south, range I 6 west. Salt Lake Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and re-reiver re-reiver of the United States land office, of-fice, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on he 29th day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Dnnlel A. Cull of Thistle, Utah. William Wil-liam J. Selman of llenjamln,' Uta-h, Harry Wllloughby and A. Murphy of Iturtner, Utah. E. I). R. THOMPSON, Register. ' O. F. DAVIS, Attorney. Mar 23-Ap 20. , ' EXCURSION. One fare the round trip via the Salt '.ake Route. Conference, Salt Lake 'Ity, April 3rd to 9lh. International iathm meet, April 5th to loth. Tick ts on sale all stations in Utah April Ird to kth, inclusive. FOR SALE Purebred Light Uramah L'hlckens, also eggs for hatching. Apply to H. Wllloughby, Iliirtner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' n the District Court of the Fifth! Judicial 'District of the State of j c Utah, In and for the County of Mil-j lard: In the matter of the estate of Mar- j aret M. P.lyth, deceased. ss: jv Creditors will present claims with!1 ouchers to the undersigned adminis-j c rator at his r sideiice nt Deseret,! I i Hard County Utah, on or before the c 5th day of January, 1312. h 1 R. CROPPER. ! Administrator. ALEX. MELVILLE. Attorney. fi w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. a a epartment of the Interior, U. S. Ijind Office at Salt Lake City. Utah, Id March 4. 1911. j 1 1 NOTICE is hereby given that Niels I. Chrlaienscn. of Hinckley, Utah, !t ho, on June 20, 19t7, made Desert ! n afM Entry 5314, serial No. 0526, for ! fr V, SE i Sec. 23. Tp. 17 a. Range J' V, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed tl jtice of Intention to make final proof. i establish claim to the land above m ascribed, before the Clerk of the n istrlct Court, at Fillmore. Utah, on p( le 21th day of April, 1911. te Claimant namea as witnesses: m seph M. Chrlstensen, f Hinckley; nrento Chrlstensen, of Oak City; of illard Chrlstensen. of Oak City; th imuel Du'son. of Hinckley. , Tl E. D. II. THOMPSON. Register. th |