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Show i C. W. HERRICK. A good blacksmith is as necessary to a community as a church or a school house. It is the first Industry a settlement i ds. Leamington is fortunate in having in C. W. llerrlck a blacksmith who understands all .branches of bis trade. Not only can he do hoise-shis-ing and the ordinary j repairs on w agons and carriages, but he is an expert machinist as well. He I can llx up any kind of farm machinery jso it will run as good as new but is I also an expert w ith gasoline and traction trac-tion engines. This sort of machinery Is coming more and more Into use oil ithe farm, so that a modern blacksmith black-smith should understand all about I keeping them In order. Mr. llerrlck has a well equipped shop at Leamington, Leaming-ton, Is prompt in attending to the needs of his customers and is one of the town's most uselul and progressive citizens. |