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Show Classified Department House Trailers and Cars SO USED CARS AND tO USED FACTORY built house trailers. MORGAN MOTOR AND FINANCE CO. 714 South Mala St. Salt Lake Cltr. i OFFICE EQUIPMENT" 1 WE BUT AND FELL Offlc Furniture. File. Typewriter. Add-I Add-I lng Machines. Safes, Cash Register. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE U Wait Bro&dwaT. Salt L&fc City. Utfc. j POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS INSUItE your poultry future with our 100 pure top rankinR money making strain of Leghorn chicks hatched from breeding hens 2 to 6 years old. Straight run S14.00: pullet pul-let chicks S28.00. Cockerel chicks S5.00 per 100. Volume discount. We pay expressaga. I 30 Years Experience Write for Factual Folder 1 GRAHAM HATCHFRT A Pt'T.LET FARM I HATWARD. CALIF. I U. S. PliLT ORUM CLEAN POl'LTS OREGON BROAD RKESTED March, April and May Poults Available. SCIO LINN HATCHERY Box 77 Scio, Ore con. i SEEDS PLANTS Golden Acre Cabbape Plants 100 postpaid SI; 1500 collect S5.25. Sweet Spanish and Crystal White Wax Onion Plants 500 postpaid SI; 6000 collect S7.50. Crystal Wax Seed. lb. S3.50. Send for prices on tomato plants. Lake Mead Farms, Overton, Nev. j SCHOOLS j Salt Lake Barber College Formerly "Moler's" Edw. F. GilletU, Mgr. Classes now starting. Write for Information. In-formation. 170 Regent St., Salt Lak. Used Cars Trailers I ..Arnr ,a ,;,, , Buy War Savings Bonds IT PAYS YOU TO BUY MORE WAR BONDS! (1) They are the safest place in all the world for your savings. (2) They are a written promise from the United States of America to pay you back every penny you put in. (3) They pay you back $4 for every $3 you put in, at the end of ten years . . . pay you interest at the rate of 2.9. (4) You may turn them in and get your cash back at any time after 60 days. The longer you hold them, the more they're worth. (5) They are never worth less than the money you invested in them. They can't go down in price. That's m promise from the financially strongest strong-est institution in the world: The United States of America. BUY WAR BONDS REGULARLY This advertisement contributed in co-oieration co-oieration with the Drug, Cosmetic and Allied Industries, by the makers of DR. CALDWELL'S SENNA LAXATIVE CONTAINED IN SYRUP PEPSIN Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly because be-cause It goes right to tho seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed In-flamed bronchial mucous membranes. mem-branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding un-derstanding you must like the way It Quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchirif f 4 Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY I (JEM ALE FAUl) L-ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound la famous not only to relieve periodic pain but also accompanying i nervous, tired, hlKhstrung feellnps j when due to functional monthly disturbances. dis-turbances. Taken regularly It helpt s build up resistance against such Bymp-! Bymp-! toms. Plnkiiam's Compound helps tw-! tw-! lure Follow label directions. Try ltl cCyfaS.CPimJihamti compound jWNU W 10 45 Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Itody Waste Your kidneyi are eormtantljf flltr1nf waule mutter from the Mood utrftam. but kidneys BotnrtimRs Ur in their work do not act as Nature intended fail to remove re-move Impuriiifs that, If retained, may pomnn the nynleiD and upset the wbol do'! y machinery . 1 Symptoma may b naming backarbe, permH nt hendache, at isirY.n of dizzinpM, (iMting up niKtit, sw"llinx, puflinesa under the eyn a feeling of d'.tvoub auxn-ty and low of pep and itrpniith. Othf-r (unrig of kidn'-y or bla'ider dia-ord'T dia-ord'T are somfti mt'B burning, scanty Of too f rc(;u'nt urination. Tfi'-re should bo no doubt that prompt tr-;it MKiit is wibpf than neRlcct. Um Iionn't hills. Doan'u hnva brrrj winning n-'W frienda lor more Lhnn forty yeara. Tiifv have a nat ion-wide rrpul iilion. Am rf-r-omm'-nd'-d by crafful people tb country over. Ark V'ur n'tyhhorl |