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Show '''?Sngi:t'"i 8lENDE0 WHISKEY Nffcii. " r JvSj'S"- "JjA 86 proof-60 gram neutral spirits. a"",1 j.jjyi 'SSf Sthenloy Distillers Corp., N. Y. C. The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Owned by Frank S. Beckwith and Frank Beckwith Frank Beckwith . . Editor Frank S. Beckwith, Business Manager Entered as second class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, Mar. 3,1879 I National Advertising Representative .NEWSPAPER AIxVlEnTIIKC SEI1VICE. INC. U" of N4onel Editorial Ariocierion) yrv. a. s.J Serving America! Adverisersandthe Home Town Newspapers IM W. tindolpli Chicago I, If. OFFICES Holbrook 6M9., San Fr.ndico. C.t ' Z1l PURE i FOR SALE 3 Quality Market dm?,. ,VV Yl? ; y$ tc f --' fekvj. 4J:tvt'i -v. J ( - - : C'rV Vl',f THIS IS A GOOD YEAR Aj TO GROW SUGAR BEETS 49 MORE SUGAR BEETS NEEDED istration and the Extension Service to work - - : -c i under the direction of county farm labor com- ' - L SUA3D a p mamstay of army "tions. mittees. Cooperation of neiqhbors and the lm says U.r.A. because of reduced national .. . , . . . , ra svi ' ,. li. , continued use of students and other volunteer v : f J supplies and below normal national produc- , . i jjuu -u -Nf I tion in 1943 and 1944. sugar for home canning louc,al help, where needed, should aga.n be , will be one-third kss than in 1944, and reg- able t0 handle an enlarged crop, i v If u'ar ration allotments must be substantially i iMcrmrw eccn inraCA rrn 9 " tl I reduced. So home production of beet sugar LIVtilULK tttU INLIitAitU ' J, i.;-t- , f If. ,fv must be measurably increased. . , , . , .. ... , A 4 t j fi increased sugar beet production will tut- r-vi ! ' il ! "JJ 1 HIGHEST PRICES AGAIN GUARANTEED ' ther increase the supply of beet by-product.- 1 l) -r-rT 1 ' J inline j I rtilLCj HVHIN UUMnMniCCU for livestock feeding. The tops from a 1 4-ton l t ' i SV' I'! Prices at least as high as those guaranteed acre of sugar beets, if properly conserved and I . " " S3 hV the Federal Government in 1944 ... the fully utilized, are worth up to $50 an acr 'jiMj.cjsB'!L highest in the history of the industry . . . when alfalfa hay is worth $15 a ton. Beei have again been pledged to beet growers by pulp and discard molasses are also valuable , the Government. stock feeds. :V. 1 i 1. , J v I . - MACHINERY CUTS LABOR AND COSTS . A GOOD CROP FOR THIS VALLEY 4 X - 1944 saw rapid progress in the mechaniza- Farmers wlk) have land suitable for sug.. i - 4 ' ' tion of sugar beet agriculture ... saving man- beets will find no crop better or safer to grou r ' i ' power for both thinning and harvesting oper- The value of the crop in a balanced farm pr . - ' ations ... and stabilizing over-all costs of pro- gram is unquestioned. The importance of tl: 1 ry,-f-r v -J , duction, despite mounting labor rates. Fur- industry to the agricultural and industn. I,'' ' -" ' , - i ther Progress in mechanization is expected prosperity ot the entire valley has long bee - !j,,' '" v" t ' ' n recognized. The entire future of the industt Z ' V , 1 r-urniriT nrnrrf may' be adversely affected by failure to me. V-- : i bOVERNMENT FLEDGES present emergency goals, since 1945 acreac ' ' ' -I-''' ' NEEDED LABOR W1" doubtless have a bearing on beet acrea' i. t?t , " . . j- ' - . ' ' that will be allotted to individual farmers ar :, j ' . . Prisoners of war and Mexican Nationals to factory districts when the quota provisic . ' ; " will again be made available by the Federal of the Federal Sugar Act are restored af; Government, through the War Food Admin- the war. i;.: "- . . . - ; " --i .... - . w'J - ' ' " Delta Utah . . make a pile iLilf of trouble i lj for the enemy BECKER PRODUCTS COMPANY Ilrrwrrs of Fine AMERICAN PI L S E N E R Beer cJ:T1r:.l. |