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Show Community Church And Dinner Club Notes . i Sunday, February 27th. 11 a.m. Sunday School. 12 M. Worship. An unusually large attendance last Sunday marked the opening of the Spiritual Life Campaign. The treasurer reported that the offering of-fering was the largest in the history his-tory of the Church. The pastor and officers of the Church urge members mem-bers and friends to do their level best to maintain this record, and even to improve it, during the 12 weeks' period. Following the service of worship a business meeting was held in which the following officers were elected: Members of the Session Mr. Juhl, Mrs. Hauman and Mrs. Foote. Members of the Board of Trustees Trust-ees Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Huffine. Mrs. Corbett, Mr. Fidel and Mr. Wallway. Theme for next Sunday: "A Better Bet-ter Tomorrow Calls for Greater Moral Courage Today." Dinner Club The club met at the Church last evening. Plans were laid for a more satisfactory devotional period per-iod during the club meetings and for the organization of a Young People's Choir for the Service of Worship. Follwoing a period of enjoyable en-joyable games the club adjourned to the Gem Cafe for refreshments. Cecil Baker made a business trip to Salt Lake City this week. Miss Merlene Law just returned after spending 10 days vacationing with friends and relaives in Los Angeles and San Diego. Emerald Moody is visiting in Oakland, Calif., with his brothers Vauri and Manton. |