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Show County Agent's Column The 1944 farm labor program will be directed similarly to the program of last year. The county farm labor committee will act as general policy committee in the county and in cooperation with the federal and state agencies, as well as schools, churches, civic clubs and other groups. These groups will do all they can to furnish the needed labor for the farms. Schools have been one of the major sources sourc-es of labor in Millard County and will have to be depended upon for a good deal of labor this coming year. There are possibilities that Mexican nationals will be imported ' into the county to help in the beet : fields. f Farmers know what help they will need. They should begin im- : mediately to make requests. : Work for one or more days is urgently ur-gently requested to register at the i arm labor office. The fact that we had no registered list of work- i ?rs gave the farm labor committee . jxtra work in trying to find help, i Many hundreds of man days were i lost last year because those who 1 :ould work and those who needed i workers were unknown to each i Dther. 1 The turkey crop for this year is I expected to be larger than in '43. 1 Drders booked on February for i poults are larger. than a year ago. rhis may not mean that polt hate- i Tings will be larger than last year 3Ut it does mean that producers i are placing their orders earlier. : The floor space on top hogs Is ( tow effective on weights between 200 and 330 pounds. I A new bulletin, Profit in Gardening Gar-dening is off the press. The bulle- : ;in gives valuable information on : gardening including varieties to 1 plant, time to plant, garden insect i control, and other valuable sugges- ' Jons on growing a garden. A copy 1 ;an be obtained from the county i extension office. Fruit trees are benefitted by an- i aual pruning while dormant. i OPA recently established maxi- J mum prices of oats, barley, and sorghum at the levels of the prices pric-es set by the temporary freeze order or-der which was in effect Dec. 6to Feb. 4, 1944. ', |