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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah, Thurs., Mar. 13, 1952 Mrs. Leslie Porter is in Cedar City this week visiting with her' new grandson and his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Clair Porter. Roy Wheeler was working at the county road barn Thursday morn-ing when the blade of a bull-doz- er came down on his foot. Three toes were broken in the left foot, which he now wears in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson drove to California this week to attend funeral services for their nephew, Raymond Overson. Sutherland 4-- H Livestock Club The Sutherland Livestock Club met March 5 in the Suther-land ward hall. Visitors at the meeting were Lee Rogers, assist-ant county agent, and Milo Mor-tense- Mr. Rogers talked on building a bigger and better 4-- Gay Og-de- n and Mike Warniek were voted song and cheer leaders. Twenty-fiv- e members were present. Twenty-on- e members are feed-ing beef, seven members are feed-ing hogs, and one member is feed-ing lambs. These animals will go into the 4--H livestock auction. Are Married In Las Vegas Elites Miss Lillian Latter and Sergeant First Class Howard Edwards were united in matrimony in a ceremony in Las Vegas, Nev., on Tuesday, March 4. SFC. Edwards, stationed at Camp Roberts, Cal., met his fi-ancee at Las Vegas, and following their wedding the couple came to Delta to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Edwards, arriving last Wednesday. The bride has been employed in Vancouver, B. C, in a depart- ment store for the past year. She is a former resident of Adelaide, South Australia, where she was converted to the LDS church. She first became acquainted with her future husband when he was in Austrailia on an LDS mission. Since their arrival in Delta the couple purchased a trailer house in Salt Lake City, in which they will make- their home at Camp Roberts after March 12. SFC. Edwards served eleven months in Korea during the first year of war there. He will be sta-tioned at Camp Roberts for some time now. Are Honored At Reception Mr. and Mrs. John Koiler, whose silver wedding anniversary was Sunday, March 9, were honored at a reception during Sunday af-ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RichardN. Peterson, in Delta. Hostesses for the occasion were their daughters, Mrs. Maxine Peter-son, of Delta, and Miss Mary Hop-kins and Mrs. DeLelle Connelly, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Koiter, Delta resi-dents for many years, now live in Vernal, where they own and oper-ate a hotel, motel and restaurant. Friends called during the after-- j noon and early evening, with con-gratulations 'for the couple and best wishes for many more wed-ding anniversaries. Daffodils and red roses decor-ated the home for the occasion. Spring flowers in varied colors for-med the centerpiece for the serv-ing table, which was spread with a lace cloth. Mrs. Noble G. Peter-son presided at the table and re-freshments Including wedding cake were served. ' Coming with Mr. and Mrs. Koiter for the party was Mrs. Koiter's in-law, Mrs. Mathilda Ross, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Koiter returned to Vernal Monday morning. In June they plan a trip to Holland, pos-sibly by airlines, when Mr. Koiter's mother will celebrate her 100th Birthday. June Wedding Is Planned Mr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Wilson, of Payson, are announcing the engage ment of their daughter, Joie Lois to Arland Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Peterson, of Delta. Plans are being made for a June wedding. Miss Wilson is a graduate of Payson high school. Mr. Peterson is a graduate of Delta high school, was graduated from the BAC at Cedar City, and later attended the BYU. He and his fiancee are both employed at present at Geneva Steel at Provo. The couple visited in Delta over the week end .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Peterson. miS Animal Play Pleases Audience "Seventeenth Summer", this year's play by a Delta high school cast, entertained a large audience at Delta high school Monday night. The three-ac- t drama was based on the book by Maureen Daly, and arranged for the stage by Anne Coulter Mortens. Dore.ne Moody was the girl whose first romance came in her seven-teenth summer, with Merrill Niel-sen. Diane Harris was the menace to their happiness. Vadia Ivie was an older sister, happily engaged to Wayne Western. Dorothy Black played the hopeful sister who fail-ed to ensnare the wily Gary Roper. Leu Wanna Bunker and Reid Draper played the parents, and Fer rell Willden was their ar old daughter, still scornful of boys. Scott Skidmore was a boy friend Cherie Bishop was a girl friend, and Robert Harris was her "steady" date. The production staff was S. D. Anderson, director, Ardythe Twitch ell, student director, and Terah Billings and Lyman Henrie .stage managers. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walker spent Sunday and Monday in Salt Lake City on business. BEAM SPRAYERS ......... You still have time to order one for the early weevil spray. BEAN is tops ask your neighbor who owns one-S- ee: VODAK TRACTOR & SERVICE Sprayers Booms - Parts Service m nwwh 'mm ' - .:: iii i C - - - UNIVERSITY of UTAH L j PIECE B51GB(l!l PIECE if U ! t r i Delta High School J Monday, March 17, 1952 "'J V, Reserved Seats $1.00 I General Admission 75 i donald d. Gregory High School Students 50 Director wui uuwumuw YOUR CONDITION ON THIS MAGNIFICENT NEW CONSOLE COMBINATION 1 ka mors' y Don't Miss This Once In A Lifetime Opportunity - - Look At This REGULAR PRICE $299.95 LESS ' ALLOWANCE Oil OLD RADIO 100.00 you "F, ONLY Ji Qo ci'ai Small Down Payment 1 8 Months to Pay PHONE NOW! COME IN! This Offer For Limited Time Only nrnlcaj AMMfeii Mdiop" DwtMUd: BUU Commands S Strliner. Chrom. whwj dlra optional t - AX' . tm tnb decorative and other peifia&tioas lubjcet to abiog without notie. iiiiiiu11jj!(Bl '52 Studebaker Starliner Commander V--8 or Champion It's beautiful beyond words and it's distinctive beyond question! It's clean-line- d in design and free from gas-wastin- g excess bulk! It's one of eleven exciting '52 Studebakers! Get yours now. . .they're selling fast! VAN MOTOR and SUPPLY CO. DELTA UTAH HEED TURNER Delta, Utah Fine Arts Cluli Has ISook Review Delta Fine Art Club was enter-tained Monday night, with Mrs. Lenore Gardner and Mrs. Evelyn Robison as hostesses. Dinner was served at the Gem Cafe, and then members went to the Gardner home, where Mrs. Margaret Jensen gave a book review of "The Nymph and the Lamp", by Thomas Red-da- Present were Alta Ashby, Bar-bara Ashby, Shirley Christensen. Lenore Gardner, Estelle Gardner, Margaret Jensen, Mary Moody, La Rue Nickle, Evelyn Robison, Claire Stephenson and Mary Wright. Lucian Black, who has been in the LDS hospital for several weeks for treatment for a serious illness, is being brought home Wednes-day. His condition is still serious, and treatments will be continued at his home. His wife, Mrs. Deonna Black, and members of the family have been with him during his stay at the hospital. His son, Stanley Lucian Black, home on navy leave extended on account of his father's critical condition ,is to report for duty Saturday at his base in San Diego. Henry P. Conk, former resident now at Provo, was recently made sales manager for Overman Mat-tress Co. there. y Oasis Mh La Veda Bishop Pvt. Karl Stanworth arrived home last Wednesday to spend a 20-d-furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanworth. He has been stationed at Yuma, Arizona, Mrs. Hilding Sjostrom reports that their son son, Pfc. Norman Sjostrom has been moved back 'from the front lines in Korea. He has been on the front since Dec. 1, but is now in blocking position behind the front lines. This posi-tion must be by the artillery be-cause he says he'll be glad to go to the front again to get away from the noise of the big guns. He says the weather has been good except for slight snows. Thirteen M. I. A. Stake Board members visited the ward MIA meeting Thursday night and took charge and furnished the program. Pres. Talmage Christensen conduc-ted the program. Pres. Delia John-son offered the opening prayer.The theme was led by Evelyn Skeem, and Scriptural Reading by Hazel Skeem. Zoe Fowles sang a solo and was accompanied by Geneal Twitchell. Georgia Memmott gave a reading and talk was given by Alfred Lake. Geneal Twitchell pla-yed a piano selection and Lavon Barney gave a reading .Brief re-marks were made by Zola Bunker, Ellen Morrill and Rae Peterson. The class work was conducted by the board members and closing prayer was given by Rulon Ander-son. Biah Sjostrom spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City. The Gold and Green Ball which was held with Deseret was a won-derful success. The floor show was very well done by two groups. The Beehive Girls and Scouts did a very pretty "Waltz of The Bells" and the older group were very graceful in the Black Hawk Waltz. Mrs. Mavis Hardy was their direc-tor. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bishop and two sons from Cedar City spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bishop. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Thrurlo Wiley from Lynndyl land Mrs. Betsy Skeem and Harold Skeem went to Salt Lake and back. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carling, who have been attending school in Ced-ar City, are home for a while with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fon Hawley. Before the month is out they plan on going to California for the summer. The Oasis Relief Society "Male Members" did a fine job of moving benches, tables and chairs for the big banquet Monday night. Now there's Nog and Ed Christensen, Ed Skeem, Enoch Gillen, Russell Styler, Howard Roundy, Andrew Jensen and Morgan Howell and possibly a few more who have ag-reed to pay their membership dues when the Relief Society pays them. Until then, they'll just get "thank you" and we'll assure you they'll be called, on next time assistance is needed. Mrs. Gene Walker and Mike War nick visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Warniek in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. War-nic- k has been transferred to General Hospital at Den-ver, leaving Monday evening. Mrs. Warniek accompanied him and will stay awhile before returning home. |