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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHftONICLE Delta, Utah, Thurs., Mar. 13, 1952 Mi', and Mrs. Jack Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Thomas drove in from Burbank Tuesday for an overnight stay in Delta. They re-port that the weather and road was fine when they left Burbank and it was not until they were within 30 miles of Delta that they ran into storm and snowdrifts. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MortenSen re-turned to Delta Friday after a visit of five weeks in California with their daughters and families. They visited Mr. and Mrs. John D. McPhee rat Oakland, and were there when their baby boy arrived Feb. 10. They also visited in San Lorenzo with Mr. and Mrs. Dee Smith. Darvel Sampson from Overton, and Arden and Floyd Sampson of Las Vegas came to Delta over the week end to visit their father, Sampson, who is ill with rheu-matic fever. Takes ours At Ft. IIouSt0n Pvt. Donald J. pratt v son of Mr. and Mrs jnh Delta, Utah, is now . '' h the Dental Technician c"1 en at Medical Field ServT Brooke Army Medical cj S Sam Houston, Texas. '?: Enlisted personnel and from Armed Forces in Mt' throughout the world com"'' school for technical and rtik l; training in mi,itary Completion of this COur fies graduates for duty as technicians in militarv and medical units REPUBLICAN couwix CALL FOR CONVENTION FOR 1952 voters of Mil-- , To the Republican lard County: resolution of the Pursuant to a Central Corn-m- i Republican County accordance with law tee, and in County Convention a organization purposes is hereby anedP.o convene at Millard Coun-ty Fillmore Utah Court House, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. an Monday 1952, for the purpose of "ansactin tnetollowing business: At the County Organization Con-- , vention there shall be elected a County Chairman; a vice Chair secretary, a treasurer, ZT the nds to the State Conventions. (The same delegates serve at both State Conventions. Central Com -- mitlees, Also two State consisting of a man and a woman. Vera A. Nixon, Secretary Republican County Committee. Registration Of Out-of-Sta- te Motor Vehicles All registered motor vehicles operating in Utah must have Utah registration if operated after January 2, 1952. For the pur-poses of registration the following person is a Resident of the State. Any person except a tourist, who owns, leases or rents a place of domicile within the state, or re-gardless of domicle, who remains in the state of Utah for a period of six months or more; Any person gainfully employed in a permanent capacity; Any person who votes within the state; Any person who pays property taxes or has members of their fam-ily in school; If you need assistance in ob-taining your Utah Registration con-tact your local Highway Patrol or your County Assessor. All appli-cations for registration where there is a Transfer of Title must be ob-tained from the Tax Commission in Salt Lake so dont' delay. Tickets will be issued to all pei-so-operating regis-tered cars or trucks in Utah, if they have become a resident, after Jan-uary 2nd, 1952, unless properly reg-istered with the Utah State Tax Commission. Your 1952 license plate should be placed on the rear of your mot-or vehicle. Theold license plate should be removed from the front of the car. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our d(, preciation of the consider' kindness that was shown ing the illness and death V" beloved husband and fathf, eph Orson Ivie, and We '' our thanks to those who h us in many ways. Mrs. Hilda Ivie and lat A LITTLE INVESTMENT in a CLASSIFIED AD WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS 5 line or less 50c or 3 times for :r $1-0- it tl0fiS (jotift wifaf, once! After you've owned one of our . Only Internationals give yo- u-new International Trucks with stake . . . , engines built in th world s largest truck bodies awhile, you'll say: "THIS is engine plant. I really a truck!" And, you'll Say it more The "roomiest, most comfortable cab on the road" than Once! the Comfo-Visio- Cab. ,r system more positive control, eas- - YOU 11 Say it When yOU diSCOVer the - . ier handling and 37 turning angle. beautiful balance between pep and power The same traditional truck toughness that has kept built into these trucks. And you'll Say it International first in heavy-dut- truck sales for 20 often as your International saves you straight years. money as it rolls through the years. Th en9'"eered v"' M ' " bi models, from to 90,000 lbs. GVW ratings. Why paSS Up performance like this? Largest exclusive truck service organization. See our new International Trucks now. lfpTO r 1 ; Buy on Proof! .jyg-- Before you buy any truck, get - T-- ? imxt the facts abou Internationals I TOY- - .TTy" Jmm - '.' from actual owners. Let us I ClH'i " miX-- e - give you a list of persons in """"""ek. IvSLllN "" 'W 'Z' " this area who have recently . n VsjPA l bought new Internationals like - - T'Jiw ' "' " mut' the one you are considering. S.,-- . ml - hitSS Model hlb-- 12f- d" ,6'000 cut hauling costs on jobs like yours. , For complete information about any International Truck, see ASHBY'S, INC. Phone 161 Delta. ALFALFA WEEVIL Control it with an "early stubble spray!" USE WASCO CHLORDANE or DIELDRIft "formulated for local hard waters" Early spraying gives heavier yields . . . eliminates rest due on hay . . . reduces weevil population. Apnly INSECTICIDES with a WASCO WEED AND INSECT SPRAYER for best results! They are economical in price . . . Easy to attach n TRACTOR or TRUCK . . . Rugged in construction . . . Accurate for exact applications. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FARMERS SUFPLT Delta, Utah VODAK TRACTOR ) ncmcumim ( Delta- - Utah Millions enj(yjpjjs finer flavor! BRAND iJ KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEU1: SPIRITS. THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO., LOUISVILLE, KENTU: CENTERPOISE LARGEST' " WIDEST POWER BRAKES COLOR CHOICE Vibration and power Big 11 -- inch brake 26 rich new colors and impulsss are 'screened drums apply more two-ton- e combinations out as engine is leverage for more ' ... widest choice in centered and rubber- - stopping power. Stops Chevrolet's field. New MIB. XI. M... L I cushtoned between new are smoother safer, De Luxe interiors are (Jiff1fIIP I JPVfJ t flPW l7)lOt high-sid- e mountings. with less effort Jf VIICVIUIvl B0DY UNITIZED WIDEST I f f - BY FISHER RIDE TREAD lll'lIlfK TllPCP TltlO TPflTlirOC Fisher Body sets the Chevrolet's famous Chevrolet measures JJ IIIWV IIIIV ICUIUIU9 standard-f- or styling, Knee-Actio- n ride is 5m inches between for craftsmanship, for now even softer, centers of rear wheels comfort! Fisher Um-- smoother. New shock - a broader base to . steel construction is absorbers H I I- - Alia give even give you more sta- - fA TlAIl I extra strong. finer ride control. bility, less sway! IU Hit? lOVVplliG TI6IQ! Lowest priced in ifs field! This beautiful nw Stylet in D lux Smdan liktt many vn , SLm 7 "mpa;oble of standard i(' .cats w .rnnmrrmioin-mi- n mrninmummZ7- - quipmtnt and trim illuttrated is flf iiiiiiiwwij ZS .J Z i. "VfiO i x rp. drndnt on availability of ma- - j j irrm iiiiin UMTrSSU6 m5T.',? ,c SAFETY PMTE GUSS No other car in Chevrolet's field offers you a single ALL AROUND , Chevrolet's exclusive The same material as Chevrolet alone in its one of ,neSe features. Yet you'll find many of them in engine lubricating sys- - the cylinder block, pis- - field gives you safety tem supplies exactly tons expand and con- - plate glass in wind- - Americas most costly cars. Here s proof that you're the right kind and tract at same rate. This shield and all win- - value ahead with Chevrolet . . . again in 1952 the amount of lubrication reduces wear, lowers dows, for a clearer, to each moving part. oU consumption. truer view. lowest-price- d line in its field! Come in and look it over. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! POWERGLIDE MOST POWERFUL AUTOMATIC VALVE-IN-HEA-D r TRANSMISSION ' ENGINE pp.if Simpler with fewer Teamed with Power-- A I SJ 1 $&&s&2. rd lAFmUdtu1 ofCats termed,ate gears Op- - gine in its field and an V J i JJ f PRICED SO LOW I tional on De Luxe outstanding performer .JTTl models at extra cost. in any field! Lj! I:l Pace Motor Company DELTA, UTAH ApYou have clear, straight-ahea- d vision. You have better control of your work. You have more use- - ful pull-powe- r. See us for a Prove to Yourself demonstration... on your farm. We furnish the Tarmnf ru be the driver. Call us today. EiJ- -- ASHBY'S INC, ... phone 1M DELTA, UTAH Desorot MRS. ARPRILLA SCOW Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crafts and sons, Terry and Arlyn, visiled at Provo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Eliason are the proud parents of a baby boy born in Salt Lake March 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black are in Salt Lake City with Mr. Black's brother, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eliason and son, Lane, and Carolyn Christen-se- n attended the wedding recep-tion Saturday at Provo for the for-mer Amnrylsis Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chynoweth and children from Orem, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dewsnup. The Deseret ward YWMIA was reorganized March 2 with Arprilla Scow as president. Councelors are Mabel Black and Luana Jensen and secretary is Thurza Webb. Lucile Sampson was released as president with a vote of thanks for the fine work she had done. The Junior-Gleane- rs of the MIA held a special program Tuesday evening and entertained their mo-thers. A fine program was given and refreshments were served. Nola Warner is their teacher. Mrs. Layton Dewsnup is visiting i:n Salt Lake with her mother and sisters for a few days. Mrs. Ines Damron is in Salt Lake City taking care of her daughter, Maxine who has just returned from the hospital with a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Faun Western and family and Ina Rae Damron, Ralph Curtis and Barbara Greenhaugh were Salt Lake City visitors Sun-day. Mrs. Evah Conk received word Monday that her son, Cpl. William J. Conk, has been transferred to Camp Stoneman at California. Deseret and Oasis held their an-nual Gold and Green Ball Satur-day evenig. The hall was decor-ated and a very fine floor show was presented by Mavis Hardy and James Sampson. We certainly want to thank everyone for their fine support. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb spent the first part of the week in Salt Lake City visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffitt. Oak Vity Mao H. Shipley Sunday evening at Sacrament services Elmer Fullmer and Ellis Anderson were the speakers as the home missionaries. Brent Lovell and Laurel Ander-son are home from school from Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olson and children were week end visitors in Beaver. Fred Anderson is home from school at Provo to assist in the spring work. The Leamington play, "Nuts and Bolts", Thursday evening was very fine comedy and well played. A large crowd enjoyed it. Tuesday evening the Delta high school was at Oak City Amuse-ment hall. It was very fine. Mrs. Florence jTones is at her daughter Kathryn Moulton's home at Heber City, convalescing from her fall about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Anderson were Salt Lake visitors last week. Mrs. Adrian Hansen gave a very fine review at Special Interest pro-gram in MIA the past week. Mrs. Robert Nielson and children spent the past week visiting in Provo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence East. Mr. Nielson and family left Sunday for Logan to continue his studies. Mr. and Mrs. Vard Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sharp attended funeral services in Salt Lake City Saturday for Joseph Ray Cox, a brother-in-la- Mr. Cox died the preceding Wednesday. He was mar ried to Mabel Tucker, formerly of Delta, Sept. 14, 1929. Surviving are his widow, two daughters, four sons, and six grandchildren. Mrs. Mansel O. Warnick visited in Salt Lake City last week with her husband, who has been at the veterans' hospital - there several weeks for treatment. Mr. Warnick was taken Tuesday to Fiztsimmons hospital at Denver for continued treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Warnick, Mr. and Mrs. Van Warnick, Mrs. C. O. Warnick, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Walker, and Mike and Dean War-nick, were in Salt Lake City Sun-day to visit Mansel O. Warnick at the veterans' hospital before his departure Tuesday 'for general hospital at Den-ver, Colo. He was accompanied there by his wife, arriving Wed-nesday. Mrs. Warnick plans to Slav some time with Manse. |