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Show Controlled Economy iPIDLY THE. NATION is ap-R' ap-R' preaching a controlled economy pH by June wiU be operating under fcontrolled materials plan. There r some who.coH.t the necessity Tsuch absolute control and the possibility of war with Russia. President Truman, who wears the cloak of responsibility of the !Ttional welfare, is walking a tight-le tight-le of public opinion. If war does it is his responsibility to see Ll we have something more than "broom-stick army with which to Lee that war. If it does not come, , . his responsibility to see that civilian economy is kept on an "veu keel. The President's board of Economic advisors believe, and apparently ap-parently the President also believes, Lt this country is big enough and productive enough to have our cake .ni eat it. In other words if products produc-ts is high enough and national in- tome is great enough, then we can at one and the same time produce the armament necessary and still produce the civilian goods necessary neces-sary to keep our standard of living on a high plane- 11131 is the objec Ave' toward which those officials in control of the nation's mobilization mobiliza-tion efforts are working. : In one decade, from 1940 to 1950, the national income of the country rose from $81,000,000,000 to $250,-000 $250,-000 000 000. In the same period taxes rose from $2,600,000,000 to $26,000,-iOOO.OOO. $26,000,-iOOO.OOO. Profits on American business busi-ness in 1950 exceeded all previous levels, increasing from $9,300,000,-;000 $9,300,000,-;000 in 1940 to $48,000,000,000 before taxes in 1950. The estimated na-"tional na-"tional income for 1952 is $270,000,-MOO.000. $270,000,-MOO.000. To pay for federal expenditures expendi-tures for the calendar year 1951 till require approximately 27 per tent of that income. This percentage, percent-age, plus state and local taxes, will reach 36 per cent, which economists say is a heavy load, but not unbearable. un-bearable. t Inevitably In the process of keep-ling keep-ling the economy on an even keel, -some folks and some business will be hurt. And there will be the usual 'gripes and criticism, characteristically characteris-tically American. However, if estimates es-timates come true, the future does not look too black. . Investment Pays Off j, Back In the 1930's the federal irgovernment undertook another of Ethose rescue operations called "so-icialistic" "so-icialistic" by many. To save the Sluilding, loan and savings institutions, institu-tions, the federal government invested in-vested $125,000,000 in the capital 'ystock of the Federal Home Loan ( '.Banks. Since January $46,000,000 Ehas been repaid the government ur.d by July two of the eleven dis-e:1rict dis-e:1rict banks will be owned entirely fi'ty their member banks. And on it the investment the government has coDected more than $26,000,000 in ffi dividends. S. ... 1 Washington Silhouettes r.: Alongside the Declaration of Independence In-dependence and other important jr.state papers in the Library of Congress, Con-gress, now reposes a collection of to the great voices in music, includ- ing Caruso, McCormack, S.chu-mann-Heink and others. At the 1 presentation of RCA Victor were Hosa Ponselle and the widows of picCormack and Caruso .... Someone inquired for senator Ke-ylauver Ke-ylauver in the senate foreign rela-tions rela-tions committee, to which Sen. Tom jJRnnally of Texas drawled, "He n't here, he's out chasing crap-Mooters." crap-Mooters." Senator Kefauver is "airman of the committee investi-jfl8atm8 investi-jfl8atm8 eambUng ... The peaceful W'hite-columned, yeUow-walled St. THhn Episcopal church where many if residents have worshipped at 16th mA H streets, across Lafayette park f om the White House ... The dis-, dis-, lct coverei by the MaU from Wash-1j Wash-1j on monument to Lincoln Memo-"al Memo-"al was once known as "foggy bottoms" bot-toms" and from the top of Florida Penue hill on 13th street on some early sprinS mornings the a"a is covered by fog. V i-"s in irom the Potomac. 1 Probe Hot h "e2,ate cm"iittee headed by j ator Fulbright of Arkansas got Jft ? a hot one the probe of f kor.i Cnstruction Finance Cor-' Cor-' ta The c"imittee charged n the W11'16 Hoe "taff Ei ther BUt "turnS out I f letter, 0n record some 900 hZ I T members " on-J on-J imse-lf 1 g Senator fulbright iCL?lhave ene to bat for 1CT b,a,Ck home to get RFC f s. Looks the Arkansas a boomerang. Sports 'Ct.ttsrean' administration has '"fcmXS V,ePrt Showing the ibv tL me 01 buslnes3 ""Sthe leqn" aSency in behalf of ? 'i nu;ing veterans under "3 'Auction . rePrted a sharp '. Cert IPerTating costs- But , frctairman . Johnson, national t""lee lor th. n Citizens commit- |