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Show Something Unusual 7177 piLET-CROCHET circles A pine - apple design horde-makes horde-makes something really special the doily line. You'll find easy! Hollies nrp 13 anrt 1Q I,.v,a. i cotton. Pattern 7177: filet-crochet tw7 directions. Sewing Circle Keedlecraft Dtpt. P. O. Box 5740. Chicago 80 III . P. O. Box 162, Old Chelsea suil,. New York 11, N. Y. ' Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No Name Address For Your Future Buy U.S. Savings Bonds JOLIVTIMK POPCORtjll V'-" . coconut7:: No creaming, no egg-beating-one ew mixing this Kellogg-quick way! 1 cup Kellogg't V2 teaspoon tall All-Bran cup lugar , cup milk 1 egg 1 cup sifted flour 2 tablespooni 2 V2 teaspoons soft shortening baking cup shredded powder coconut 1. Combine All-Bran and milk In railing rail-ing bowl. 2. Sift together flour, baking poiin and salt into same bowl; add sum, egg, shortening and cup cocoon Stir only until combined. S. Fill greased muffin pans ' sprinkle with remaining coco Bake in preheated moderatelj M oven (400F.) about 25 minutes. Yield: 10 medium muffins, 214 IdcW in diameter. p America's most famous yivr.-'i f natural laxative cereal f for diets of iniiffir.int vflfstllii l WHEN SIEEP WOJH i C0;..EaxdYCD If' FEEL GLUal if S Chewing-Gum toxuffo ItSaaJ REMOVES WASTE iiiwi NOT GOOD FOOD Wb yon r.n't aleep - fl I BWful because you need a laxative-" M MILLIONS do Chew FEEN-A-M1NT- noctore eay many other laal1 r? taUin in large doses, start their "n 1 tng" action too noon . . . rlgat la stomach where they often flusn wl nourishing food you need for peP nergyl You feel weak, tired. , But gentlo ri2N--MiJT la Taken as recommended. It woria W" In the lower bowel km"1 ' "J! waate, not good food! You a'" J weak feeling you feel fine, full k lire I Get rem-A-MiNT. 25t. 50. of "" ?iHk FAMOUS CHEWlNC-CUMWljB. Housework Easy Without Magging Backa When kidney function elowi do:"'!l"5 Colka complaiD of nagginl backed"; vm pep and energy, headache; 0,"o Don't Buffer longer with theea '"" ,,i If reduced kidney function 'f",u down due to ouch common caufle w and atrain, over-eiertion or exp j, cold. Minor bladder irritation! due i dampneaa or wrong diet may cauw ap mghta or frequent paaaagea. Don't neglect your kidney? " u( ona bother you. Try Doan a p diuretic Ueed successfully by ""'"ael. over 60 yeare. While often otneri It'a amazing how many times u" h nappy relief from these diaeB' (It the 15 miles of kidney tubes . """Vjl Juab out waate. Get Doan s rus DOAH'S Pills |