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Show Hinckley News MARILYN PALMER Mrs. Walter Ekins, and her dau- nl Cofiir. Nielson and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wise from Garland, Gar-land, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Firth and daughter, from Tremonton. Last Saturday night the Hrnck- ley Keiiet society nem men nual party in the High School gym Those in attendance enjoyed a lovely program which consisted of two numbers from the Singing Mother: "Annie Laurie" and "Carrie "Car-rie Dance"; a Spanish dance by Irene Lewis, Mae Jean and Edith Petersen, a solo of "April Showers" by Velma Terry; a reading "The Highwayman" by Mrs. George Puc-kett; Puc-kett; a solo by Cluff Talbot entitled en-titled "Mother Macree". ; a dance by Sharon Hardy and Sue Davidson; David-son; a duet of "Peg O' My Heart" by Anna Lee Swensen and Lula Marie Hilton; a skit, "The Stuff Brothers" by Myron Taylor, Harold Har-old Hepworth, and Sheldon Christ-ensen, Christ-ensen, a solo by Melba Jacobson, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling." After the program the crowd joined in square dancing and refreshments. re-freshments. Last week the Literary Club, entertained en-tertained their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Pratt The occasion being an Easter Eas-ter Party . guier, ivicuieiitr, apejiu itvau ooim day in Salt Lake shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hilton and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Hilton last week end. Betty Yeuman and Betty Hardy who are attending the BYU were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hardy last week end. Garth Bishop, who is employed in Salt Lake at present, had his neck operated on last week, but is getting along alright now. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clothier from Cedar City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Bishop last Friday and Saturday. They came for the funeral of Mr. William Coleman, whom they were well aquainted with. Amelia Jane Cahoon, Carol Crafts, and June Hepworth, who are students stu-dents at the BYU spent the weekend week-end at home visiting with their families and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Bishop spent part of last week in Smithfield visiting with their son, Cleo Bishop and his family, .vu. .'.; rf-ini nt I rMnsM Hattie Humphries-, as -nowt at her home. i. Mr. and Mrs. Meron Petersen have had their daughter, Ruth, and their granddaughter, Peggy Linda visiting with them for a week. They returned to their home last Friday with Ruth's husband, Mr. Bill Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keller and Carol spent last week end in Richfield. Rich-field. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Stewart feel honored to have Mrs. Stewart's mother, Mrs. Brown with them at present. Mrs. Eddie Lee, the former Anna Talbot , daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Loren Talbot, is now in the Fillmore Fill-more hospital. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe |