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Show Dridal Couple Are Honored Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bishop were honored at a wedding reception re-ception Monday night in the Hinck ley high school gymnasium. Their mariage took place in the Manti temple March 19. The bride is the former Miss Aiiene Ida Alger, daughter dau-ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Alger, Al-ger, of Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. Bishop is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Bishop, of Oasis. Receiving with the newlywed couple were their parents, and the bride's sister, Mrs. Ross Bulk-ley, Bulk-ley, who attended the bride, Mr. Bulkley, who stood as best man, and the bride's brother, Milton Sheridan. The bride's wedding gown was of white satin and lace, floor length. len-gth. Her porsage was of pink carnations. car-nations. During the evening a program was given, with Dana Pratt, as master of ceremonies. Taking part were Mrs. Marie Moody and son, Thurman Moody, who sang a duet, with piano accompaniment by Mrs Thurman Moody. Mrs. lone Hilton Christensen sang a number. Carlos Bishop sang, accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Talbot. A reading was given by Miss Erma Roundy. Miss Ora Mae Bishop played a xylophone selection. Dale Johnson played an accordion solo. Mr. Alger made a short talk, and requested that the bridegroom sing a number, so Mr. Bishop sang, "Because". At the end of the program pro-gram responses were made by the bridal couple. Guests called from nine to twelve twel-ve o'clock, and the young couple received best wishes and gifts for the home they will make in Provo where Mr. Bishop is studying at the BYU. |