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Show pa lie, : ' ' i-3!te ,', , pasted i; . - , ' imi iKyu !! Z'ZVM k , "-" '! Wail, : X" ! ' i l YES, in just 7 days.. . . in one short I . group of people who changed (-' y ) old dentifrices to Cslox Tooth Powdor- , ged 38 brighter teeth by scientific Why not change to Calox yourself? : t -Calox today ... so your ' teeth can start looking uISS'-v brighter tomorrow t Sasl TOOTH PCV:t; McKewon & Robbiro Inc, BridrP0 "Dei ll 1 rr f,ft Ike WNU W : "ete , !. . but t 38,000,000 AMERICANS ARE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPE' . . . Report, of t).. KelW Cotf;- i; 11 U. S. House of KrorMfnUtiW.",, ... loppj. u from Selscti Sirviet, 1'"",:., , ' 3d iM , tuproxim.ttlj on out of !"?;:,. to, mre, In torn bVerw. prorfWW J. r; ItuJi, nd problsms .ttendtnt upon tf Ution ind mpIoymml d " capped are lnereains (UilJ. 10 gja . . . Th. American FeJ' f.' ga. Phyaleally Handlcappeo. ."!,'( . "lit,.,, educational beneficent onanl , . S till" 0i taken the hading role I" . ai , employment of HandieippM. jm ,. J, ponsible for enactment of "V. EMPLOY THE PHYSICALLY K CAPPED WEEK", observed " l , the Flret Week In October of ' tlc . . . Th. FgW.-l-f.'V; national educational ,- A tabliah (1) A Federa Cm- J, Service, for the Phr.l"J. fl k( ' capped: (2) National Cer , Jl ' tfh, Institute: (3) Nations! LepnJ . . (4) National EpileP (l H lift, "5 National Censui of HndicspP ' ,j . . . AFPH need, your fi( kli helping the Handicapped ok Payers, instead of Tax-E'"' , Ct., Send yonr contrlbotlons AMERICAN FEDERATION 'j lv kl, , PHYSICALLY HANDICAPP " ,376 National Pre.. Washington 4, D-C . y i u |