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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICE f Delta, Ut., Thurs., Mar. 17,1949 - f v Is Hostess At Club Party Mrs. Norma Pearson was hostess to the Bridgadiers for their meet-ing Thursday evening, and entertan ed the club at the home of Mrs. Emil Pearson. Dinner was served at 8 p. m., with the City cafe catering. Club members there were iVerna Walch, Athena Cook, Mer-len- e Callister, Mary Hunsaker, Liz Pace, Lois Hinckley, Nona Chesley, and Betty Day. Guests were Helen Baker, Callie Morley, LaVonne Mor- - rison, Mrs. Pearson, and Mrs. Ches-ley from Fillmore. At the bridge tables, high scores were held by Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Morrison, while Mrs. Day held low. Birthdays Arc IVoted j Mr. and Mrs. James Anderso- - and Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Talbo: I were hosts Saturday evening, Ma I 5 at a party at the Anderso 5 home in Oak City. Guests of hone I were Ruth Olsen and Donna Aner i son, and the occasion celebrate ? their birthdays of March 5 and 7 j A waffle supper was served to th t 36 guests present, at a table de j orated with pussy willows, lit by ! yellow and green candles. Tw :. decorated birthday cakes forme centerpieces. After dinner the gu- ; ests joined in singing popular airs. Job Open At P.O. An examination for regular com-petitive appointment to Substitute Clerk in the Delta Post Office has been announced by the Director of the Denver Office of the U. S. Civil Service Commission. The starting 'salary for these jobs is $1.29 an hour. Persons living within the delivery of the Post Office or who are bona fide patrons of the Post Office may file in this examination. Persons employed in the Post Office will be considered bona fide patrons of the office. No specific education or exper-ience is required but applicants must take a written examination which includes a general test and test of their ability to sort material and to follow instructions. Further information on the exam-ination and the necessary card for applying may be obtained from the Commission's Local Secretary at the Delta Post Office, or from the U.- -' S. Civil Service Regional Office in the New Customhouse Building, Denver, Colorado. Applic-ations must be received in the Regional Office not later than Mar. 24, 1949. LyMHdyl Simpson - Mrs. Rachel "There are two classes of people N . he world; those who live to they are the one s who get iuars poverty; and those C8hUn g"ve are those lie to - - they It Peace and prosperity. SMrCteand Mrs. Clarence Hogan of Fureka have purchased the Lewis home and are now mak-K2- S home here. We wish to welcome them and hope they will Mrs'vera Kay' of Mona stopped ff here Tuesday and visited with Smith on her way to M s. Mary vsit friends in Caliente. Mrs Gladys Banks visited a few days in Milford with her grandson, jrrpddie Miller. Mr and Mrs. Delong Banks of p,0vo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alma Banks. They took little Jay Miller home with them while her brother is in the hospital. Mr and Mrs. Frank Gerriet and Mrs 'Effie Allen, daughter Ruby, went to Provo Friday. They visited Mr and Mrs. Kennie Jack and Mr. ' and Mrs." George Godfry, returni-ng Sunday evening . Mrs Rachael Simpson and Jan-pan- e went to Salt Lake Wednes- - dav and enjoyed dinner with Mr. f and Mrs. Durward Clark the occas- - v Ion being Mrs. Clark's birthday. 'left torMTa JAhnS?n S0"' R0SS visit with her Thursday to daughter, Cloreane 'son andTther' MfS' Hattie Joh: Jarieane Simpson spent Friday in Tooele visiting Don Williams and his sister, Mrs. Grace Bennett re-turning Friday evening. Don and spent Sunday in Nephi vis- iting Miss Colleeen Chase. Mr. C. E. Simpson and Mel Maiers drove down from Provo and visite-e- d vvith their families Saturday and Sunday. Vernon Gronning spent the week end with his family. Mrs. Gronning went to Provo with him Monday to .look for a place to live, j Lyle Johnson and Jerome Ivie are back here from Provo and are now working in the roundhouse , Mr. and Mrs. Leland Roper Mrs Annie Roper and Mr. and Mrs Ed. Stewart and daughter, Sharen Lee spent Sunday afternoon visit-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson. Annette Smith went to Salt Lake Friday and spent the week end visiting her sister Mrs. Joe Easter-broo- k. Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills went to Salt Lake and visited their daughter, Mrs. Russell Dutson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larsen spent Monday here they drove down Sun-day evening from Provo. " Mrs. Eleanor Nielson is in Salt Lake as she has been quite ill. , Cedar City HFLA Elects D. Crafts As 3-y- r. Director At the Annual Meeting of stock-holders of the Cedar City National Farm Loan Assn. held at Delta, Utah, on Feb. 26, Attorney Dudley Crafts was elected director for a term of three years. Mr. Crafts is a succesful farmer as well as a succesful lawyer. There is probably no one as well acquainted, as he, with the people of Milard County. These facts, in addition to his good ' judgment and sense of fairness. especialy qualify him to give good service to the Farm Loan Assn., The Federal Land Bank and the local farmers, on all matters per-taining to farm credit. Mr. Crafts succeeds Dewey San- - ford who has served on the board for three years. .Mr.. Sanford's wide acquaintance with farmers, his good judgment, knowledge of land and water values and his willing- - nes to serve has made him a ' valuable director to the organiz-- ' ation and the individual farmers whom he has represented. J. M. Palmer of Cedar City was elected a delegate, and Lindau Foremaster of St. George, alternate, to represent the Assn. at Federal Land Bank stockholders' meetings. j The meetings was conducted by President Lindau Foremaster, Wm. A. Merrell gave the directors' re- - port and J. H. Jensen, Associate Regional Manager of the Federal Land Bank was the main speaker. An excellent musical program was furnished by members of the Delta high school music Dept. 'Hoy Scouts Make Report On ISook Profits Lionel Taylor, District Commis-sioner of the Boy Scouts, makes the following report on the sales, !an,? the gift from Frank Beckwith When all the books are sold the :book "Millard and Nearby": 1,000 books, sale price ....$3,500.00 Donations 10.50 $3,510.50 Cost of publication $2,430.. 90 Individual troops have received funds from sales 308.50 Cash on hand to be disbursed.121.10 Five books given away for pro- motional uses 17.50 187 books on hand (In this is the Hinckley district, not reported as to sales as yet) 632.50 to attend $3,510.50 at an earlier date, gift from Frank Beckwith. will be.... Already received and disbursed.... $ 308.50 Plus cash on hand 121.10 $429.60 Plus sales of the remaining books at $3.50 gross 632.50 A total when finished of..$1062.50 Those who have not already bou-ght a book, please remember that your purchase is ENTIRELY to the Boy Scouts; no one except them gets a cent of the money; your purchase of a book is in effect a contribution of $3.50 to Scouting, for the boys, for which you buy a book worth the price. The goal is $1,000; finish up the sales and achieve it! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gonder, of Garrison" were Delta Visitors over the weekend. Mr. Gonder returned to the ranch Saturday, taking their son, Emerson, back with him to help with the cattle, now going back on the range after winter feeding. Mrs. Gonder remained in Delta for a longer visit with her mother, Mrs. Amanda Conk, who had been ill. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Protect your health have your I animals slaughtered in a Sanitary Slaughterhouse j - Will Slaughter Saturday - j Inquire of Dean Talbot Sttore at D. Stevens & I Company f" DR. K. A. DUTSON Optometrist CREST THEATRE BUILDING ) Office hours from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Evening by Appointment phone 11 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Ivfeke friends with If-m- r$0 $1 Up a tree for an entertainment idea? B Yi ft mart. Make friends with Guild California "jnl ) W Sherry, perfect wine. Serve be- - I ff i Q yJore dinner, after dinner, any time! hi T fso" ; .... kMmU&lKStiiM ..JM: Tflft FOR YOUR PROTECTION BOTTLED IN CALIFORNIA BY WINE GROWERS GUILD, LODI t Jfianqe is in Order. . . Tv" tj ( BETTER PROGRAM ! i HOARDS POWER I . . For best car care, change to w&k because another ex- - ConOCO N' Motor Oil get M elusive added ingredi- - the lubricant that stands up ( tjGfa ent D Cnoco N'A under hard IMS combats driving, fights com- - I UYJ bingcarbonandsludge. power-rob- - bustion acids. ( READV 70 00 ' LOW RUNNING COSTS ! ti&k tra ...because Conoco N'A . 1 ...because Conoco N' r&rntl fastens an extra shield X Motor Oil stands up )5Xh of lubricant right to V-- f under hard driving. . f f cylinder walls, actually Vv C You'n 8et m,ft ml1 In S Atl per quart-a-dd less oil ( V-fc- i your engine. between drains. ' ' ' It can't all drain down, even overnight. if Oil-Pla- te today at your K Conoco Mileage AferrQV iSxvK ' grr Copyright 1949, Continental Oil Company V""" mm '.-Ld- mmifsmmilS1 Norman Gardner DISTRIBUTOR LaJ W urn liLb urnUa3 QT S 1 STAKE TRUCK M0"' '"08 U7''"Ch Whlb " J HIGH RACK TRUCK J LAjk. 3 ZJ Li HEAyY-DUT-Mod. l Wia.lboi k. tjgS II :SBB0 !C2:-S- l Miy with lottlmr'i Body Mo.tavm C.V.W. ?J,000 lb. V"" . iVIXjV Mod.l 4403 Wdwftoi. I n T1 'S Maximum G.V.W. 12,J00 lb. n me job : i J Right on the job day offer day because f "v,'. they're tough, and ruggedly built; : : ; Right S'T , ttjfy' '"SBPRVg, on the job all of the time with a model to imjmm-- ' k my,m- - O f"' ""f meet every hauling need! vttzl:, " C CJ. Z' Z'r In every State in the Union, more Chev- - f -i 3 I rojet ypjjg were soi(j iast year than any u ' heavy-dut- y other make. That's because Chevrolet can u,w,r11LiK Wod.4403-,6Mwh.- .bo- offe- r- power with economy ... strength tod, Mamm c.v.w. Model 6403 Whntbaim 16,000 it. wlth convenience . . . and duty-prove- d m g.v.w. i,ooob. dependability con.bined in a variety of models to meet every need ... up to 16,000 lb. Gross Vehicle Weight! - Keep in mind, too, that Chevrolet Heavy- - 1 ' Duty Trucks alone offer you Thrift f:JLaX0 low cost operation; low cost upkeep and f0l''i the lowest list ","cs in the entire j'fsX V NSC. S:'MJM& Ttrruacnkspfoiretladt!ioCnh-L- ... unCitehde!vrolet Trucks for aBfft f Look at all thr Extra-Val- ue Features! ... 4W8C ""in J Connection Load-J.- .. ..- d Engln Tho Cab thai 'sv XW. s A. M,Jr "Brolhi" The Cab Unlwold, Con- - Noj Xb-- Ty THf itroctlon Now, Hoavlor Springs Hypold Roar Xv 'VW. NtM (tf'r Aloi Hydrovac Powor Brakai o Wido Baio Whooll V. fSAfySd$) V;LVilHEAVY-DUT- TRACTOR HoHng and Ventilating Sytlmm optional at mxtra coif. 'llWC SQr w'" Traikr STAKE TRUCK mKCT LWjSill Mod'1 W,..lbo! ST Model 6409 WIc.boi ttjgt Maximum G.V.W. 16,000 lb. TTI j " Maximum G.V. W. 16,000 lb. irm j 3- - C f "" c"rolel lino Includot j-- ;. Tbr;v icoret of ttandard modmln 4e . .'tltrV nJ ffr'KvvaVSa'aflpjtaaaBk aanelsi ttoktf plat' OFFICIAL REGISTRATIONS PROVE THERE ARE MORE W M ' '"'" CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THROUGHOUT fe:'r!' '5 rt i L:'" ''4. JFS5i di,6,ij tyJT Ejvj C J 'j 1 Jr.V X' y nnatut tor special equipment THE NATION THAN ANY OTHER MAKE! "Qj j0r SbVV wilh Refrigerator Body Model 6403 Wheelbaie Maximum G.V.W. 16,000 lb. Pace Motor Company DELTA ...... UTAH Mr. and Mrs. Varlo Henrie, and daughters, Lorraine and Jacqeline, have returned to Delta after a two weeks trip. Driving 4,000 miles, they travelled in Arizona, Calif., and up the cost to Oregon. Mrs. Henrie and the girls are remaining in Delta for a time, and Mr. Henrie is returning to Newcastle, where he Is employed. Mr. and Mrs. .John Adams left Delta Wednesday morning .driving to El Paso, Texas. They will visit their daughter, Grace, there in the mission field, and plan to remain two weeks. Friends who wish Miss Adams, address may write her at 4627 Walter Way, El Paso, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs, of Torrance, Calif., were Delta visitors this week. Mr. Jacobs had business to attend to on his property In Delta. They went on to Salt Lake for a visit, and took the road home through Reno. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkins, of Hollywood, are visiting in Delta with their daughter , Mrs. Reed Crafts. They came from St. George, where they had been spending the winter months. |