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Show Rousing Rally Sends Rabbits to State Tourney ; s y V iy hi.v j , ) ; o Here are the Rabbits, Delta Roberta Nielson, Connie Johnson Nephi Scwab high school basketball team, and Molly Mills, agile and at- Third Row' - - Kiel Hevborne, 0e of the 8 teams m the state tract.ve cheer leaders; Scott athletic manager; Kenneth Fult- district champions . Hegion 6. Sheriff. mer, Bob Hortfn Winston Christ- to qualify for the state tourna- Second Row - - Coach Merlin ensen. Barth Black and Dick ment without a play off. Chnstensen, Junior Dalton, Mon- Clark. Front Row - - Elwood Dutson, an Lovell. Lynn Prestwich, Coach i |