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Show Mrs. Bradley Says It Srved Her Life i "I have not only gotten back all the weight I lost white sick, but I am actually heavier now than I have ever been," said Mrs. Lucy Bradley, residing at 7329 Ell Ave., Seattle, Wash, recently, .In one ot the" most remarkable statements yet published publish-ed in connection with the Master Medicine In this vicinity, "I had suffered from stomach trouble," continued Mrs. Bradley, "until I was scarcely than a frame of skin and bones. Qne day about , three years ago, after eatng some strawberries, I was taken with nn attack of acute indigestion, and Was Jdown in bed for some time unable to move. Deglnlng from that time my stomach was In susch a bad fix that everything I ate, would ferment, causing gas, shortness ot breath and fearful pain. There was a pain right through my heart that couldn't have fiurt much worse it I had been stuck with a ,knlfe, nd several time I though I would surely die. I just keDt4SMn" wtlght ,u got'so weak I couldBt walk; acre the room 1 was forblddtn to eat anything except ex-cept liquid. I tried drinking sweet milk- and even that was like poison pois-on to me. I suffered fcvgrtatl dtil with paint In my backl andkar! knew what sleep was. We; were living la at Louis at this Ume, and friend of ourt'kai 'gotten tuck splendid recalta froa TaUe,tkitmr fcaba4 bogged to take It i refuejJfM a tlifeV'i: had no faith la it to help me, but I kept getting worse, and my husband fnetsted. So I consented Iti try ltsd wkea he brought me my first bottle X weighed only one hunired?an'd tea pounds. 'I caa't find words to express'graU-ltude express'graU-ltude for I really don't believe I would be here today U'lt hadn't been for Tanlac. 'Sooa after I 'started 'start-ed taking It I, beganHo-freel better. It was the very thltig for me and it wasn't long until I would eat just any and everything I wanted without it hurting me, and my appetite ras so big I could hardly eat enough Well, that has beon a good while ago and from that tlmo until now I hnvo never suffcrfed a pnrtlclo with my stomach, shortness ot breath or pain of any kind. I sloep llko a child ovory night and am strong and heaU thy In every way.'I now' weigh one-hundred one-hundred and fifty six pounds making a gain of fory six pounds I tell ovory- body that I know that Tanlac Is the finest medicine in the world and I certainly have the best of reasons for saying so." Tanlac is seia in cogan by the City Drug Co.; in Wellsvllle, by Wellsville Drug Co.; Jn 8mlthfleld by Rlter Bros. Drug Co.; In Hyrum by Hyrum Drug Co.; In Richmond by A. 'A. Thomas, and In Lewlston by Lewlston Drug Co. Advt a |