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Show BBB1M H P"' ' V 'I HI -II... 'I.l-H -1 mm LOCAL NEWS 1; , I ! ", 1 WANTED A good collector and H solicitor. Salary and commission. H" J 1 Call 48. Atlv " , j 3MIbs Nelson and Miss Martin nc- H Y'r I companlod Itov. nnd Mrs. l'lllsbury H? V, I on a trip to Ogden and Salt Lake ' 'J City. Tho Intermountaln Christian H :& Workers institute In session at Salt K r Iko lias nttractod such worlccra m i, ' from Logan as could loavo tho field. bm t .?.,.. Modern houso for rent. 363-J. Hr . Adv-tf. VlL J Tno New Jersey Academy dclcga- KI tion to the h8h school girls' canip Kf' r , lH FrTo canyon consisted of Helen iBiX ' Cherry, school representative, Elea Kf 1, and Helen Thompson, Dorothy Shep- KjC ard and Charlotte Kafton of Logan B&' :" nd nTlroni and Louise Welllnger KIj, , o( Dh,r utaD Miss Myrtle H. BWs Moore was chosen a councilor. H,' ; "Work wasted by young lady as H; housekeeper. Has had experience. Bj- , Call 48. Adv-9-10 Kf- S i The owning date of the New Jer- v V . e AcademyTiaa been postponed one 't " K WSf' TBe bord, department will "- V '& for Mtraace, Tuesday. Sep-' sP!fc J?' UmUt "' ' ''" ' '"'"' AT- T M W"" ' " HS 't ;V wklek we will sell cheap. Call 49. bb-- R Adf-tt Hvl P K'jri,, Mlsa lee MeClellaa wrltea from K'L; I '' er heae la Kansas that she will M jvr ' ' nMk l,lB about September 10. B v.-'' J' AM laterested la mRSlc work at the H i. Nw J7r Academy 'wUl welcome B $'i!'f aer retmra. LLB f- B ':; " WANTED Housekeeper by wld- H J ; ewer la neighboring, town. Must be iB r Vi-' '?ip6ikble; wilr" obJeeMM Hj W'JV ie wldOTJwlth one or.twe ehlldrea. H yiM AS5ft.'SB RePuWleaa. H :-.v . AdT-9-lS BBBHBm BBBH fe' " H ;; Mlsa Sdlth Holt of the New Jer- BB ;c My elaae of 1918, U entering Em H9'. -k .perla College, Emporia, Kaasas, for 'V-l eettege work the eomlag year. Hl': X IS. ' .Ihepard, eaahler of the H, ;' Caehe Vailey.baalr,' 6' spending Ue ttj-R i- week urogdea with friends. H ' $ i- WANTED Middle aged maa .to U: ) eellect aad solicit f Call, .at the fte- ra"''-' . publleaa oslce. Adr-tt HllV" Reld Shamhart Is to be credited 11 with the biggest fish caught In Lo- LLLL4H ' H !;'';" gaa canyoa according to Attorney BflV' Bullen. He caught the big: trout at bU8' Bl' the forks Sunday atfernoon. ''" U!''- John Sphuler of Providence met U " ' 'With as accident last week, while BH ' bH' K V f i milking a cow. Tho animal In shaking shak-ing Its head struck Mr. Sphuler with Its horn In tho loft eye. IIo will loose tho sight of tho one cyo If not both. Tho Provldcnco tlleo club is arranging a concert to ralso funds to defray expenses of an oporatlon, which will take place at ono of the hospitals In Salt Lake City. LOST Ulack music case containing contain-ing songs. Iloturn to this ofllco and rocelvo reward. Adv-9-8 Harry Stoncy Is ft receipt of a lettor from Maurlco Stolfol, who is attending a Reserve Ofllcors' Training Train-ing camp at Presidio, California, , stating that ho, Percy Hansen and , Pesty Jarvls arc all enjoying their experience. ( Your October Delineator la here. Shamhart Chrlstensen Co. Adr Young girl wanted to assist with general housework four hours each day. No washing, Ironing or" cooking. cook-ing. Phone 982. Rear up stairs at 169 East Center. Adv-tf. Raclae Good Luck horseshoe Urea at North Utah Auto Company. Ad U Mr. A. E. Lloyd and family of Orace, Idaho, left for their home yesterday after spending the week in Logan on business aad pleasure combined. Attention Home Labor. Cache valley beet growers desire, to contract con-tract topatar and loading of beets, I Apply at once at Amalgamated Sug-ar Sug-ar company's office, Commercial block, Logan, Utah. Otherwise It ( will become necessary to employ transient labor. Adv-tf We understand the case between the West Cache Sugar Co. and J. A. Hendrlcksen -and Lorenso Stohl will be dismissed from the court. ,VbvfKMf coat. Owner can get same by calling at thta office and paying for ad. Ad-tf Our old friend H. V. Hallett Is back with us after an extended trip throughout' the eaat and "parts of Montana. He will make his home la River Heights this wWter. Boys' school shoes IS.6Q at New-Bold'i. New-Bold'i. ' t Adv-9-19 Coach Joseph R. Jensen, who- has been at Sacramento In the capacity of physical" 'director for the Y M; C. A., at one of the military camps, Ma writing to a friend sUtes that he land several other Y. M. C. A. men" I would be In San Francisco on business busi-ness during the present week. A new bungalow for. rent Apply Ap-ply at Dahle Eccles. Phone 189. Adv-tf , Mrs. Mary Christina Larsen of the Seventh ward passed away early yesterday morning of old age and general debility. She leaves three children: E. I. Xarsen of Newton, Mrs. J. w. Barrett of this city and Mrs. Ida L. Condlt. Funeral services ser-vices will be held Thursday at. 2 p. I m. in the Fourth ward 'meeting' house. - I " ! Furnished rooms. Call 363-J. 0 ' Adv-tf I There have been several rumors ' 'of the death In France of J, L. .o , , Crockett son of Mr. arid Mrs, J. A. Crockett of this city bul Informa-tlon Informa-tlon from Mrs. Crockett states that In a recent letter received from him he Informs his parents that he Is well ami happy and Is busy at St. Nazalro on tho western coast of Franco and on tho IJay of Biscay. Ti. D. Tnescder, I). C; Chiropractor, Arlmo Blk., next to P. O.", Phono 1.11 Adv-tf Mr. and Mrs. O. R, Peterson of Idaho Palls aro In Logan having como down to' bo In attendance at tho funeral of Mrs. Ellzaboth Andrews. An-drews. Vulcanizing pays if tho work is dono right. AVo guarantee all nur work. Logan darago & Supply Co. .. Adv-tf Grover A. Larson, a .young military mili-tary registrant of thfls city 'left at 1:20 today for Camp Fremont, Cal.. to tako tho place of a man returned from a former draft. WANTED AT ONCE A good man to collect nnd solicit. Will pay salary and commission to right man. Call at this office Adv-tf A number of those Included In tho registration call have already registered at tho court house which will reduce the work to.-be done on that day. Following tho registration .the work of classifying the ques-tlonalres ques-tlonalres will Involve a great amount of work. A bad blow-out can be skillfully repaired by the Logan Oarage A Supply Co., North Main. Adv-tf At the funeral services for Mrs. Elisabeth Andrews, held In the Fifth ward Sunday the speakers were Bishops B. M. Lewis and Joseph Newbold, Elder L. O. 8kanchy and Counselor John P. Cardoa, the latter also dedicating the grave.. Miss Myrtle Myr-tle Batt sang a solo during the services. ser-vices. HONEY TO LOAN One hundred and fifty Uoasand dollars oa tana aad dty property.' H. A. Pederssa ftOa. tf |