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Show I MAZEL MERRILL I OF RICHMOND ON FURLOUGH j .. RICHMOND, Sept. 7. Mazel Morrill Mor-rill who has been In tho Unlttd States service for the, past seventeen months is homo "on a ten day furlough. fur-lough. Mr. -Merrill belongs to tho aviation corps and has been very successful in air his work. Before coming home he received his commission com-mission of lieutenant. 1 The Richmond South ward bazaar I which was held Monday was very I successful affair. A profit of I 166.4E was realised. The play "A I Modern Cinderella," was well put-K put-K ronlied and enjoyed by all. The H proceeds of the bazaar will be used 1 for the benefit of the new ward SB tabernacle. H Lorena Anderson entertained Frl-n Frl-n day with a family dinner In honor gj of Alberto Anderson. I B. Y. Monson and family returned return-ed recently from a trip through Downey, Dow-ney, Deinpsey, Soda and Bear Lake counties. ' Several of the lady friends of Mrs. Maggie Traveller went to her r home one day last week. The oc-t'jftastm oc-t'jftastm being Mrs. Traveller's birthday. birth-day. "m-mm I Mrs. Nina Anderson served dinner din-ner Sunday la honor of Albert Anderson An-derson who Is now in the service of Uncle Sam. The rooms were decorated' decor-ated' with sweet peas. About twenty, were present. Mrs. Anna Peterson of Focatello ts here assisting in caring for her sister, Mrs. Bertha Peterson, who Is very 111 at this writing. 'Mssj. Metha Christofferson has J gone to Toton to visit with Mr. mid ' Mrs. John Christofferson. The Stnko Mutual convention will bo held at Richmond tho 15th of Soptoniber. Members of the general gener-al board art expected to bo present. I Mr. N. K. Monk, our local den- itlst has been called to the servlco of the U. S. Mr. and Mi.s. Moult will be greatly missed in our community. com-munity. I Friday Leander Peart, J. L. Mc- Carey, Polly Egan, Amy Burnham. Louise Egan, Alice McCarrey, Mrs Christofferson, Mrs. Frank Balr, Maud Holllday, Lucy1 Funk, Rebecca I Merrill, Hannah McMurdle, Sarah Smith, Mrs. Niels Eskelson and Maud Stoddard went to Logan to assist in 'cleaning the temple. O. M. Thomson, Thom-son, Bishop J. L. McCarrey, Carl Carlson and Leander Peart tooktne workers down in automobiles. ( Mrs. Emma Merrill went to Hyde Park Saturday to visit with her .daughter Mrs. Edna Dalnes. ) Miss Roxlna Skldmore is home visiting her father Bishop W. L. Skldmore. Miss Pearl Alllston entertained on Friday night in honor of Leo Bate-man' Bate-man' who left Tuesday for the U. S. service. Refreshments were served In the form of an oyster supper and water melons. Twelve people were present and report a very good time. Larue Merrill ,wife and llttto son of MarUnhArVihere visiting relatives rela-tives and friends. Mrs. F. K. Dine entertained Sun-iday Sun-iday In honor of Vernon Betl who left Tuesday for the servlco of the 'u. S.. I Mrs. Ray Lewis of .Trenronton Is visiting her' mother Mrs. Nina Anderson. An-derson. Hans Peterson who has bten to California In the Interest of the Condensed Con-densed milk factory there, returned 1 home Monday. Satutday night a wertillm: supper was held at tho home of Olson Lnu-renco, Lnu-renco, In honor of Mr. and Mrs, A1-. vln Laurence. Among the out of town visitors weto Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Clurg Mc-Clurg and daughters of Predion; Mrs. Backman of Shelley, Idaho; jiml Mrs. Petersburg of Preston. L. F. Hcmhlcks, Walter Webb,-and Webb,-and Willis Hendricks left Wednesday Wednes-day for a short visit to Iirigham. F. H. Whittle, wife and children were Paradlso visitors Friday. Whllo away Mrs. Whittle attended the trousseau tea given In honor of Miss Minnie Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Webb mp-ifored mp-ifored to Brlgham Sijmrday after J fruit. I Saturday night a patriotic entertainment enter-tainment was given In tho opera house In honor of Leonard Christen- son, Lewis Barnett, Elmer O. Skid-I Skid-I more, Rudolph Anderson, Louis C. Steffenson, John -A. Anderson, Leo Bateman, Charles Olsen, Vernon H. Bell and Russell E. Merrill. The following program was rendered: Music by the band. Talks by Pres. Alma Merrill and Bishop J. L. McCarrey, Solo, Sansom Webb. Music by the band. The entertainment concluded with a dance. The following parents had babici christened' Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Monk, Mr. an Mrs. Russell Bullen and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Woodland. Miss Amy Burnham returned home after spending several weeks at Kanab with her sister Linda. Funeral services were held Thursday Thurs-day August 29, at the home of Mrs. Ell Webb over the remains of the infant Babe of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hendricks. Sansom Webband Han- nah Chrlstenr n uuideted vocal selections. se-lections. Connlmg lomnrks were mado by (Score. O Webb, L. 1 Hon-. drlcks, James Punk and Bishop J. h. McCancy President Alma Hon- ( drlcks dismissed Mr. an I Mrs. Hendricks have the sympathy of tho community In their Bad beieavc-mont. beieavc-mont. Marlon Balr and I.eroy Nelson eritoitalned .the soldier 'boyn who loft Tuesday. The. social was held on the lawn ot lllshop W. L. Skldmore. Skld-more. Peaches and wator melons wore served. Mr. and Mrs. Gclgan and children chil-dren are visiting relatives and friends here. Eva Peterson Is homo again aftcF spending about two weeks at Poca-tello. Poca-tello. Osborne Johnson who has been home on a furlough, left for his military mil-itary camp again on August 28. David Smith Sr. and wife return ed recently from a two weeks visit ! to Sugar City, where they have been , visiting relatives and friends. They I report the crops as being very pros- I perous In that part of the country. Tuesday Fred Schow left for Washington. Mr. Schow Is In the employ of the government. Mr. Shepard, our new druggist, has moved his family Into one ot the homes of Carl Johnson. |