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Show INDUSTRIAL NEWS The Crime of Wasted Energy Burning our coal and oil hlle leaving the waterpowers of the west undeveloped has been the crisse of a decade. Railroad yAalstrhtor jMcAdoo announces his conversion to the need of developing western water-powers water-powers and operating railroads by electricity. - He announces that millions of tons of coal and barrels of oil should be saved by using the white coal wasting In our mountain streams. One small western river Is estimated estima-ted to yield 600.QOO horsepower almost equal to Niagara, and a section sec-tion of the Columbia river would yield 3,000,000 horsepower. For ten years a political deadlock has tied up the development of this greatest of all national resourses and broubht about danger of a fuel I famine. Secretary McAdoo has been spending spend-ing some time in the west and has had his eyes opened to tho mighty volume of power that Is lying ldlo in a time of great need. While we are mobilising the nation's nat-ion's manpower, It dawns on us that we should- mobilise the wasting waterpowers. Rushing Toward Autocracy If the people of United States of American are permitted to work out our own national life, without being amalgmated with internationalism internation-alism 'with the loss of Americanism, we can In all probability, help, bring up gradually the lower; ofdor'Of some of the others nations. We have been making rapid strides toward a well disseminated, higher level of life, generally recognised rec-ognised as distinctly American. The evolution to this end was unmistakably un-mistakably rapid. la the midst of the popular cry however, of democarcy for all the world, we here la America under the slogan of'War Necessity" arVnow rushing at most dangerous speed toward to-ward autocracy. The., Ideal balance we were steadily stead-ily approaching has suddenly given way, to the popular Idea of Bolshe-Ism Bolshe-Ism born- ofRusslaa despotism. It Is;bjU to, 'bear la mlad that autocracy 'exists the moment any country (s controlled wholly by the "higher ups" or wholly by the '"lower downs'. wr' Sadden transition from either one to the other la revolutionary aad anarchistic. ; The great Question for the American Ameri-can people l decide Is wheather we shall continue the sound course which has ' 'given our national success suc-cess the American brand, or are we about to revert to medieval procedure,1 proced-ure,1 when the State will completely obliterate American initiative and' American Individualism. " The mining, oil 'and lumber Industries In-dustries have been meeting the government gov-ernment needs and world demand In a most remarkable manner. These great Industries under private priv-ate operation have co-operated with the government In j every possible raaner, submitting cheerfully to such regulation, price fixing andTontrol as deemed necessary as a war measure. meas-ure. M.L. Repua, general directtr, Oil Division, tT.S. Fuel Adminstration, in discussing necessity of control of oil Industry shows a truly American spirit of dealing with industry. In concluding an able presentation presenta-tion of the situation of oil operators opera-tors ho-showed reasons for unusual measures releatlvo to many lines of Industry, Including ol 7f 'Km ( |