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Show TAKES JAIL TERM FOR THE GIRL HE CANNOT WIN Trapped by the police when blowing blow-ing a eafo, Jorn Olson bacrlflccs lilm-Kclf lilm-Kclf for Bello Follot, one of the gang, whom ho loves, and vainly, because she 1ms a husband "up tho river," to whom sho Is loyal. Whon Olsen comes back aftor sorvlng flvo years and announces ho Is going straight. Belle turns on him in dls- f gust. But h6 keeps straight and nl-' so keeps on hoping that somo day ho can win her. How ho eventually, starts bad ngnln and how this tlmo ,, $ V WK p. AH '," " HAP'TLY ' , ' IJOHiUY VlTACRAP't sho goes to him and keeps him straight mul now their lomanco finally fin-ally ends by his piovlng ho Ih all . man, is tho tsoty of "All Man" tho Vltagraph Blue Ulbbon featuro which will bo seen In tho Oak theatre the-atre on Weiluesdaj'TJnd Thursday. Hany Moiey has tho part of Olsen, Ol-sen, one of tho stiongest In his screen caieer, and Betty Blytho Is most convincing as Bello. Others In tho cast ate Bob Qalllard, Georgo' Majoronl, Carlton King nnd Bernard Slegel. Tho story is by Donn Byrno nnd ran In tho Saturday nvenlng Tost. The plctuio was tlhectcd by Paul Scanlon. |