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Show 8';i m u Bf DRYING VEGETABLES AND FRUITf HTmV Last year the air was fl'agrant with In - thesteaming juices of the vegetables and Hfif - fruit the women were canning. This Hi ' ' year the effort is being made to preserve e" 'even more of these products. But food f W . (covnservers are emphasising also the de- Ht' , sirability of the drying or dehydrating Bj process, that is the extraction of the wa- 1; , ier. Community drying plants are be- K1'' - ,' W-t'A?s!'t'K t' ' '?- f" '" ;:'' ' -'. --'' -f-v -:rX' '"' " 4?f, . . . . BBBaUf - ' "1""ft'if. Ciii.iM.wijwwmiin i. i "" ' i '.'" ' ""' '- ' - ing set up in many places, sb that"anyone lean take small quantities of vegetables ymd fruits to them, and have them prepared pre-pared to save f,r the winter. Every fall a great volume of vegetables vegeta-bles and fruits rot on the eround. They are so abundant that it does not pay to pick them up. Now if at that time of surplus they could be preserved by the drying or other process, all this vast amount of nutrition is saved. It tends to stabilize and equalize prices through out the year and supply nourishing'food at times when prices are exorbitantly , high. . Another point is that the drying process pro-cess saves great quantities of small vegetables veg-etables and fruits that do not sell well t)n the market. People do not like to buy small specimens of potatoes, apples, or other vegetables. But the small ones mix in with the dried product and are equally suited to it. One reason for food shortage is that the farmers hate to plant large quantities quanti-ties of vegetables, because they spoil if not sold promptly. If there were drying plants everywhere, so that farmers could dispose of their surplus at a fair price, much larger supplies of vegetables would be planted. There would seem to be a chance for the establishment of plants to dry these prouuets on a big commercial scale. People Peo-ple who use dried products say they are as attractive to the taste as canned foods and often hardly distinguishable from the original article. t Ik k |