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Show WAX I ' QUALITY FIRST Bi '. Has Always Been our Motto Kr HM1 Jewelry Repair Work HK N Honest Goods At Honest Prices Blf L C. M. Wendelboe, Jeweler llr ua kast FmsT north street LOOAN, UTAjH I & v, J 'I mm' jif Hf ; fh. D. Ureseder, D. g!V Hf :, L Chiropractor f mwk. " A. X It 1 W Arlmc r - X bV;-': i- ii:i!- H' t? 1J-4,4'i""'"'"""'rT "" MiyB ii'"t" W-'naitXi i iltfmi-.iiiiiiViiii;.inWn'";iii'n-in '' ' '' - Bi1.,jw.;w-"' ''; '"'" M "'" -,.- H s ' ST't iS L? 1 i s ? DIARRHOEA TJf CHILDREN For diarrhoea la children one year old or older 'you will flnd'neth- .-. . . k i? Ing better than Chambedlaln'i Colic and, Diarrhoea Rentedy, followed by a dose of castor oil. It should be kept at hand and given as soon aa the first mawiiural looseness, of the bowels appears. $lfcdiir AdT- j rh Fashionable Suits 1 JFmM' Styles that are distinctly i2HB7 1 individual dominate in JfflftW this showing 1 ij.pliij I Prices Reasonable I MUH Though rather plain in character, the wide 9 BUgr range of materials, and the almost unlimit- IRjl ed methods of applying the various trim- IDl mings of fur, braid and buttons, provide a BjHH' variety of styles, each so different from the w other that the selection of a model which best JtIL 20 expresses one's individuality will be anything " Ilfc2s but difficult. . , Mm wScrvice"and"Concrvm- H tion" arc written in italics H acrot tho war-time re HBiiH cordofCertaift-teedRotf- ' bL xHi BFB It hM ghen vitally MteJerl BB-KkSr2jy rota for munition plaot, mmVWmtfrSvAM bUTck hipyardt fsKtory MJ19.11 barn and graoarjr. r" J It hji nothing of rnflitswy HftiH - Tfc m lua fa itM manufacturtv--r rBTWaJB-H taragaaM'Mpttaraila IbWP y ! PfPcompofratrtfb mmfi w MSStf Mmtmclcm for war purpotesj. -Vsfsau fr9 c kSbHt li liMtfi-B fiP-KsB ro-TaUTeaisKConapUth-----lilEia-Hl " fatfgy by machirtwy, con liV 1M rvinglbor,bywterpowtr , r co'vinf fueft.by; womt iiMHUdW worktrt, cooacrvinf tnan f J Vrtwfo rse-fiini-Msi-'i - - i!- v wojIWona, ItitweatfaMprooC - aotcttt Tat heat of tha wn cmtmat mu t- .--ittarna. It fe not affects bTa2TlaoT cno4csi evct'jwhera or I actoria, wawbouiei, itorti, f farm btiiUings and out-buiUn In thingtea, red or green, ft makes an artktic roof for rctiaencee. CTtain-td Roofiag U gustrmmUl 5t10or lSyeus ccorsiinf to UucIomm. - T K Sold by good dakn,iryu)lwr i- .' Cerrjiin.ted Products Corporation ' ofHMitiMprfMiiMiciiMiAaMk MtmmtSL Msaafesh-ws tt nrBa Ccrtain-td jHi Paint VarnishesRoofing WSBm CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING FOR SALE BY Smith Brothers Lumber Company CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING FOR SALE BYj Anderson and Sons Company - 's |