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Show Use Millions of Steel Pens. The dally consir.iptlon of Bteel pern tn Enslnml tiimibtT four million. I Wallpaper as (2 heap I I t as Wrapping Paper BBB " p- , H $ Commencing Wednesday, April 77 m and lasting Ten days we will sell any "paper & m J in our store under 50c (the finest designs) for J I - - One Half Off t BBB '& BBV it 1 $ except our 15 cent paper and this spring s $ bbV $ m $ specials; which for these ten days will go at I I . . One thirdOff : : I BBB iji 4k H .. if, m t All papers above 75c, One-third off. This x A is a chance you will never have again, and jj B you can not afford to miss it. Come and find BBB B ii out for yourselves. j & o o ejft BBVl f BBS BBB v BBS i'i BBB BBB Bi & .5. BBf ' H Preston, Pyper & (Bo.9 H j 1 1 20 (Benter Street. BjBBr ii .HBBit H ' BBBBBBBBW BBBBuBBBlBBBBBfllBflBBBBBBJBJBJBBBjBBBBABBABBBBBBBBBBBHBl 1 7 Oman w ?? 6ffii W f J Clothes ( Bw r m BBBBr 1 nV c nwhui fii m lOi ' ITS BBB " bbbbI I 1 lW. '-MAAAJ l I " 6h :1VJ K 6 ifil 11 STflNDflRD si fe S IrFfl Jm (IE TUP hS MmELMk wnRin Estray Notice. In tho CUyof Ijotnn. lltali. I have In my ixhm-ssIoii tlio fullowiuv lt.-scrllwil lt.-scrllwil animals which It not clalmiHl and tuki-n away, will IhisoIiI at nubile auction to' thi htRlicst rath hlildvr. In the said City of I.oean, on Wilnesday. the Sdtli day ot April I'Oi. at 12 o'clock, tnipoundi'd on the Uthday of April. 1IHX. Description ot animal. One Ilirlit led heifer calf aliout 4 months old, left ear cropped. No brand tlslhle. .1. II. ClllL'llIll, Clti ixninitkeeiH'r ru Cfj Nothing is so Convincing ; in pi L K of thrift and energy as a new S r si 1 Goat o f Paint 0 on your House, Barn, Fence K I II or Buggy ffi I K and no paint can do the work better than' r ' H ffi Si' S Patton's Sun Proof 1 1 S i .Si K paints, Positively the best paint sold. s) jl It comes in packages from 1-4 Pint fll K to a Gallon. o 3 1 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. t jj I Co-operative Drug Co., 3 Sole Agents. 1U (Benter St. Ifl : A raE5E5rS5HS5H5HH5H5B5H5B5B5H5H5H5H5B5H5H5E5H5a5H5H51B pJ5B5B5H5H5H5H5g5H5H5H5H5B5H5B5H5H5B5H5H5B5B5a5H5aaJ Our Prices Talk!! K It is a known fact that THE HUB sells better ffi Cj goods for LESS MONEY than any other store in fi Cache county. We buy and sell for cash only, which en- S n ables us to sell on a much smaller margin than othr n ju stores. Our excellent buying facilities in the Easttmi markets are a big factor with our LOW PRICES. K j ' SPECIALS: . Men's- $12.00 All Wool Suits, well Tailored and ffl finished, perfect Jittiug, Sale price j$7.U5 K S Men's $15.00 High Grade Suits, double and single S K breasted in gray and. brown mixtures, S 3 Sale price . . ." $9. 75 g ffi Men's 75c and 85c Golf or Negligee Shirts in Light, E 3 Dark, or Medium Patterns, Sale Price USc ffi Boy's $2.25 Heavy Calf School shoes very durable, m sizes 4 to 5 .1-2, sale price . . . $1,50 B t One PriccStorc. , U5 Main St. 6j ja5HSa5gfia5HSE5B5a5H5H5H5H5a5HFg5H5?Sa5B5H5H5H5BS(nl |