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Show Vodka the Bane of Russia. It is well known that tho Russian peoplo aro extremely slow In all their movements, which has been attributed to many causes. Tho latest writer on the subject places the blame on the national Intoxicant, vodka, asserting that It produces a lasting and ingrowing ingrow-ing drunk; and, should tho tippler bo ut. fortunate enough to sober up beforo be-foro a week has passed, tho slightest rapid movement will reproduco an excellent ex-cellent dupllcato of tho original. As tho Russian government derives a largo revonuo from tho'salo of vodka, there Is a stringent law agalnBt getting get-ting twlco drunk on ono spree, and as a consequence cltlzons must exorcise caution. Tho famous Russian baths wero constructed nt a great expense both for punltlvo measures and as a means of putting tho consumer again ' in tho ranks. |