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Show ' ' - -TT t Underpaid for the work. Why More Women Do Not Engage as Nursery Governesses. Martha S llensloy In Uver) body's Mai rine In a series of nrtlcles relates re-lates her experiences as n nursery governess Sim says, speaking of tho first family with whom sho lived: "Their chauffeur was paid $100 a monthj nnd ho had ony tho caro of a machine: their governess was paid 132. her bqard nnd halt a room, nnd had entire charge or their three lit-tlo lit-tlo girls, body, mind hud soul. Tho oim w".s n trained mechanic: tho other position required moro quallfl' catloti3 than I a college woman and n teacher of considerable experience, could lio.ist, "Sly vvoik began nt 7 o'clock, tho1 tlmn t called l.nnra. nnd lasted till about 9 In tho evening. During this time there was not a momont of rest, not oven a respite nt meals. In spite of the pleasant things eonnected with the situation, no wqninu ot sulllcloiit ability to dischargo Us duties wbilld undertake the work (unless from motives mo-tives ot pure philanthropy), excopt for a larger salary thnn Bho could get In another occupation." |