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Show FARMERS MEETING I Cache Association Cori- I sider Many Matters. I A good Program For Sat- N urday, April 29th. I - The niombcis of the arlous com- i mlttces of the Cache Valley Farmers 9 Association met 'at the "tabernacle at 1 a 12 o'clock on Saturday the loth for tiie H jfeigft purpose of organizing In said commit- 9 " tees. The tegular meeting was called at 1 p. m. and after the minutes of B the previous meeting were lead the ; committees reported their organiza-S organiza-S tlon as follows: 3 Railroad and Transportation; John a F. Wright, pres; Fred Turner, sccre-m sccre-m tary. . J Farming Implements: Geo. Q. 1 Adams, Pies: I. C. Thoreson, sccre-H sccre-H tary. 1 Beets, Hcmy Hanccy, pres. (Jodfrey S Fulirlman, sccVetaiy. On motion the committee on railroad rail-road and transposition was Instructed Instruct-ed to procure Information as to the amount of exportation and importation importa-tion in and out of Cache Valley, having hav-ing in view ttic desire to makecommon 7 points of all stations in Cache Valley, and that said committee work in con cert with the Cache A'alley Commercial Commer-cial club. Bishop Hugh Geddes, of Preston, was elected as a member of the executive execu-tive committee. I Don't Want Loop. The following program was talked H to by the following named gentlemen: Jj John F. Wright on "Railroading" J said that now is the opportune time to 3 1 move in the interest of additional ! &ps railroad facilities In this county. He felt that railroad facilities can be improved im-proved upon if the matter (surged. In the south the people care ,-i care but little about the loop for they believe relief will come in another t direction. In his opinion common ' , point rates should be secured for this count)1, If possible. Though there may be some In Cache county who will oppose this because such persons are getting rakc-olls, In this move the farmcis should be persistent. In I speaking of raising potatoes. Mr. Wright uiged that they should be planted in the dark of the moon and not over the inches deep, and abovel all to prepaic a good seed bed. Ab out Organization. Rasmus Nielsen, on "Organization," said, that It was evident from the attendance at-tendance at regular meetings that the , interest is not all it should be. The local officers In the different precincts should be energetic, In Ins opinion, and have all the faimers Join the association. associa-tion. Some of the organizations have not reported any membership In their respective location. William ICIrkup said: "I'am a believer be-liever In organization. It Is the secret sec-ret of success. If deshedend", are to be accomplished In this association wo must have a strong organization, , Many farmers appear to be too close-fisted. close-fisted. For the paltiy sum of fifty i- cents as Initiating fee many of them S hold back and deprive themselves of " valuable Infoimation that would mean money to them. Intelligent farming Is what counts. Unite our Interests and others will see our good works and Join with us." Fred Turner Turn-er uiged organisation. Planting Potatoes. i President Fa,rrcll stated that e had just returned fiom Ncphl and other points In the" south. In Nephl tho people tilled the tabernacle. He talked to them on dry faimlng. The -, people tlieie have an abundance of ( ' , good land that could bo utilised. He ."' " ' urged tho necessity of taking up prl- ' , ' vate labors with all the farmers and t ' thus draw, them together. If thor- y oughly organized the association can jt-'- have weight and Inllucnco with the i . railroad companies. Owing to there Yj being but ooe road Into our valley we sutler from Inconveniences that we m, need not be subjected to If v.e would ' act wisely. He desired the various ' committees to be diligent and actlvo In their respective lines. Tho speak- er said to plant potatoes In tho dark ' g. of tho moon and not over live Inches WAr deep. Make a good seed bed and as W soon us they aie out of the giound fe harrow them once a week until they F " aro four inches high. Do not Irrigate until they aro In blossom, and one good watering Is enough. Do not get discouraged. Men weakened In Petersboro In years gone by; thoy would not even pay for the surveying certificates on land. They were Indorsed In-dorsed over to mo. I paid for the surveying sur-veying and now I have a good fatm." In answer to a question tho speaker advocated harrowing fall grain with a smoothing harrow. |